you don't know you love her

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"We learned a couple of things while trapped in that house. One never walks into a house made of candy. and two, if you're going to kill a witch, set her ass on fire" - hansel


A low growling pierced the forest as a witch ran through. She had been driven from her cottage by two humans, a man, and a woman. But what she didn't expect was that there was a third member of their little balad—a much more dangerous one, one that could set the whole city to fire if she wished. The witch was in for a big surprise as she suddenly was lifted off the ground and strapped to a tree. A growling face appeared in the witch's sightline, and her already pale and demolished face grew even paler. "right where you belong, witch," the beast sneered and sat proudly down inf front of the witch who stared at it.

Soon the two humans came running. "calm down, she can't do anything," the beast stated lazily as she licked her scales clean from dirt. "how the hell could you strap her up so fast, and didn't she put up a fight?" the man exclaimed. The beast chuckled and stood, flapping her feathery wings to get the dirt out of them before facing her two friends. "she didn't have time to fight, hansel. I came too fast for her. Now kill her, or shall I use my fire?" the female stated impatiently. The woman sighed and shot the witch right between her head, and she stopped struggling.

"Thanks, Gretel," coral said and spread her wings. "ready to head back to town, or do you want to stay here and watch her burn?" the dragon said as she crouched so hansel and Gretel could climb onto her. The two mortals chuckled and left the witch there to burn.

"I will be outside if you need me," Coral said as she stepped outside the bar, letting the cool wind calm her down. She and Hansel, and Gretel had gone to the bar for some celebration over killing yet another witch. But the young dragon wasn't so fond of feasting and drinking beer. No, not at all. She instead wanted to go home and sleep than stay here in this rowdy bar. She took a deep sigh and looked up at the sky to see that the moon had risen. 'it was time to leave for home,' she thought. She turned and opened the door to the bar, wincing at the loud sounds of people glamorizing.

Finding her friends quickly was the priority for now, but a man older than her came over to her, stinking alcohol and wine. He was drunk; she could smell it. Coral's face contorted in disgust as the man tried to touch her. she hissed in his face as he went too far and slapped his hands away from her. "touch me again, cunt, and I will have your head," she warned, her eyes blazing in a fire. But the drunkard didn't get the hint and tried again to touch her, but he has yanked away this time.

"didn't she say you shouldn't touch her?" it was hansel. He snapped at the man and pushed him away. "are you okay?" Gretel said as she came over to coral, who nodded at her. "thanks. I came in since I was going to tell you I'm heading home now." With that, she was gone in a could of smoke she had been so many times when their meetings and battles together. the siblings sighed and went back home, too. "why does she always have to leave us like that?" Hansel complained to his sister.

Gretel sighed. "brother, we've been through this. Don't ask me, for I know nothing of her thoughts. she is our friend and ally, but she doesn't need to be around us all the time. " Gretel snapped, fed up with her brother's everlasting complaints. He couldn't see that he liked her, could he? Why else would he be talking about her to his sister? There was something beneath the cold, not caring brother that only came out around he loved. And coral was one of those that Gretel knew. She loved their dragonic friend too; she was the sister she never had, a mother. But she knew her brother saw their friend as more than a friend, more than a mother. He saw her as a lover, an everlasting angel.

how did she know this when hansel didn't even know it himself? that she didn't know; she just felt it. "let's go to sleep, brother." So Gretel said and went under the covers, her brother joining her in teh bed, and teh two of them fell asleep.


I'm sorry for such a short chapter, but hopefully, the other one will be longer. I hope you like the book so far.


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