Fading Bliss

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The first few years were blessed with marital bliss.

Shortly after the Prince's heartfelt proposal, the two had gotten married in the Holy Temple, where Jovine and Richard declared their vows to one another and to the people of Theolos. It was a grand affair, exceeding in luxury and grandeur, but all Jovine could remember from that day was the vision of Richard waiting for her at the end of the altar. Although he adorned a guarded expression, as soon as their eyes had met, a pleased glint had sparked in the depths of his eyes. So, as she allowed the world to fade away, she walked towards the man possessing her heart, and vowed to love him forever.

That night, Richard and Jovine had become one. Their bodies and souls joined in a bond more intimate and deeper than any connection she had in her life. With hazy memories of twisted sheets, drenched bodies, and the breathless release of ecstasy, the consummation of her marriage with Richard was a treasured souvenir of their union.

Moving forward, Richard's affection for his new bride grew with every sunrise. He would summon her to his chambers more often than not, where their intimacy blossomed into something carnal and seductive. They grew familiar with the bliss of pleasure, and it fed the new princess's hope for more.

From the beginning, Richard made his intentions clear. He promised to be a good husband, and in that regard, he upheld his duties. He was her partner, her supporter, her leader.

During official Imperial events, he stayed by her side, unabashedly showing the people his devotion to his new bride. He defended her when she found herself on the receiving end of several disguised barbs from the opposing Eastern Faction, who disapproved of having a Western Princess in power. He kept her company when the loneliness of bearing the crown got to be burdensome, offering her a place of solace in his arms. And, he planned for the good of the Empire with her as its future monarchs, treating her as an equal partner.

Jovine was happier than she ever thought she could be in a marriage that was arranged rather than chosen, but she wanted more than his body and his commitment. She wanted his love.

Jovine was irrevocably in love with the man she vowed to spend her life with, but Richard never affirmed whether he felt the same.

She could convince herself he did when she woke in his arms or when he'd spontaneously press his lips to her brow in greeting. She felt promise when he'd summon for her at night, eagerly pulling her into his arms the moment she entered. She held onto hope when he'd smile at her from a distance as he watched her take tea with the gracious Empress Helene, who guided her in her studies. But, she could never be sure, and asking the Crown Prince of Theolos for more felt like greed.

Even so, she found herself optimistic when she witnessed the way the Emperor loved his Empress. If the current monarchs of the Empire were solidified in a loving marriage, perhaps Richard would be open to finding the same with her one day.

As long as I have Richard, life is good enough for me, she often thought, but as always, the good never last.

Shortly after the celebration of her second anniversary with Richard, news of tension in the Northern Borders called the Emperor and his son away from the palace and to the frozen sector of Mallory. Belonging to the young Amon vel Feyras, the Grand Duke, the implications of political divide became imminent.

As a distant descendant of royal blood, the family of vel Feyras were entitled to inherit the throne if the Imperial family was unable to produce an heir, and with the unprecedented lack of children from their marriage, Jovine couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

"I'll be back before you know it," Richard whispered in consolation on the night before his departure.

Jovine, who was settled comfortably in his arms in bed, turned to look at her husband, unable to conceal the worry lining her face.

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