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Erin carefully balanced a tray of warm honey tea as she walked through the halls of the Palace.

It was the break of dawn — the moment when the cold hue of twilight touched the windows as the candles began to flicker away. There was a chill in the air and the echo of distant footsteps signified the start of a new day.

The Empress was yet to wake and it would still be a while until the other ladies started preparing, but Erin had woken from a restless sleep, concern and apprehension tugging at her conscience. She had tossed and turned all night, running through the inexplicable revelation her Empress had divulged, and when she could no longer find sleep again, she had jumped out of bed.

Jovine had dismissed her last night, insisting she retire despite her insistence to stay. She was worried for the fragile state of the Empress's body and mind. After everything that had happened and everything that was supposedly going to happen, it didn't feel right to leave. But, she respectfully obeyed, knowing Jovine wouldn't let herself cry until the room was empty.

Arriving at the door to the Empress's Palace, Erin took a breath and stopped. She would be lying if she said there wasn't a single speck of doubt drifting through her mind, but she also wasn't lying when she told Jovine she believed her.

Throughout the past few months, the Empress had become a ghost of herself. Erin was a witness to the way everything crumbled before her. From the moment Prince Richard had left, each passing day took a little more of her light. No matter how much she may have tried to hide it or push through the pain, the Empress was slowly breaking and fading away, and for those who loved her, it was tortuous knowing nothing could truly heal the scars embedded within her heart.

So, no matter how preposterous her story may have sounded, she trusted the Empress she served. And after all the heartache and cruelty she was burdened with, Erin knew Jovine needed to see that she wasn't alone.

Determined, Erin quietly opened the door into the drawing room.

Her eyes widened.

Sitting in the unlit room, staring into the unknown, Empress Jovine was awake. Looking haggard and almost hollow, a trickle of dread rippled down her spine at the sight of her Empress.

"Your Majesty?" Erin called out in a wary voice.

At the sound, the Empress jolted. "Erin? What are you doing here so early?"

Promptly closing the door, Erin walked over to the table before her and laid out the tea set she had prepared. "I wanted to greet you before the others arrived...see how you were feeling," she explained, moving around the room to open the curtains for the coming sunrise and lighting a few candles to brighten the dark place.

"I'm glad you came," the Empress started. "I need you to do something for me."

Erin turned to find the Empress clutching something in her hands as she stood from the divan. She stumbled unsteadily, and Erin rushed to her aid. "Your Majesty! Are you unwell?"

Jovine clutched onto the young girl's arm, leaning against her. Up close, Erin could see that her eyes were red and heavy from the lack of sleep.

"Send this for me," Jovine said lowly, pressing a sealed letter into her hand.

Erin looked down to read the address. A simple, cursive "E" was written on the front. She froze.

"Jovine," she whispered in a shaky voice. "Is this for...him?"

The Empress reached out, gripping her arm in a sense of urgency. "I need you to go now. Can you do this?"

Erin swallowed, looking up into her pleading eyes. She nodded hesitantly.

A worried frown marred the Empress's beautiful face. "Make sure you're not followed. Simply send it, and come right back."

Erin tightened her hold on the letter and calmed her racing heart.

"Yes, Your Majesty." 

Renouncing the Emperor's HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora