Chapter 29 The Tenth Day

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The words of the rich second-generation Lin Hao directly caused an uproar in the entire chat group.

"What? 2000 yuan for a pack of instant noodles? Am I... am I hearing it right?"

"Hey, don't boost prices like this! I'm a bit scared now."

Some people tremblingly said, "The snow disaster will surely pass, right? There's really no need for this."

He sent a voice message, but the trembling tone already indicated the panic in his heart. People hadn't completely given up hope; every morning, they opened their eyes hoping to see the snow stop, the sun rise, and return to normal life.

However, the incident of Supermom Xie Limei and the rich second-generation Chen Hao's high-priced acquisition of food deeply touched the fragile string in their hearts.

Someone said with feigned calmness, "Don't joke around, 2000 yuan for a pack of instant noodles? Do you think it's the end of the world? Haha!"

"It's just that the snow is a bit heavier this time; winter came early this year! It's not like it's a zombie apocalypse, is it?"

When Zhang Yì saw this message, he just smiled and shook his head. A zombie apocalypse? Don't compare that low-end stuff with this icy apocalypse. Zombies, although frightening, were still something human strength could resist. However, in the face of the forces of nature, the small humans were as fragile as insects.

They still didn't know what a terrifying disaster they were facing.

Xu Hao, in the group, arrogantly said, "Don't worry about so much! Anyway, I have money. Can't I buy peace of mind with money? If you're willing to sell, just DM me. If you don't want to, forget it!"

Xu Hao pretended to be indifferent, but Zhang Yì had already seen that his indifference was just a disguise. In reality, he had already started to feel afraid. Otherwise, he wouldn't have offered the sky-high price of 2000 yuan for a pack of instant noodles!

It wasn't difficult to think about. Although Xu Hao was rich, worth several hundred million, in the current apocalypse, he couldn't enjoy the life of the rich and couldn't even order takeout.

Rich people might not necessarily be kind, but they were definitely not stupid. Realizing the severity of the crisis, Xu Hao began to buy supplies at high prices from his neighbors.

Although the quantity was not large, it was enough for him and his girlfriend to survive for a few weeks.

Zhang Yì sneered, "This is the last glow of money that can be displayed in the apocalypse."

Soon, due to the depletion of supplies, people would find that money had become worthless, and supplies were the absolute king!

At that time, many people would regret selling their goods at low prices.

Xu Hao did set a bad precedent in the group, and because many homeowners in the 25-unit building were friends and colleagues, Xu Hao's high-priced purchase of supplies affected everyone around him.

After he set a high price for supplies with real gold and silver, everyone realized how scarce supplies were now!

Everyone became even more nervous, holding tightly to their supplies.

On the tenth day of the arrival of the ice apocalypse.

In the homes of Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining.

Supplies had already been depleted.

The two, who originally had refined tastes and liked to eat high-quality food, could quarrel over a pack of instant noodles.

The food they had bought before, as well as the food sent by the licking dog Zhou Peng, was almost gone.

According to the current situation, if they continued like this, they could support themselves for at most another week, and then they would starve to death!

The two sat on the sofa wrapped in blankets, their faces pale, and there was an opened pack of compressed biscuits on the coffee table in front of them.

Lin Caining glanced at the compressed biscuits and said to Fang Yuqing, "Yuqing, this is our last pack of compressed biscuits."

There was a painful look in Fang Yuqing's eyes.

In the past, this kind of coarse food, she would never allow it to enter her delicate throat even if she were beaten to death.

But now, every time she ate, she could finish it cleanly. She wouldn't even let go of the crumbs that fell to the ground; she had to pick them up and eat them.

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