Chapter 92: You Deserve to Die if You Don't Save My Grandson!

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After distributing the food, Lin Caining caused another commotion, but she was severely beaten by Jiang Lei and Li Chengbin, two of Zhang Yi's lackeys. Zhang Yi then instructed them to disperse.

Walking beside him, Zhou Ke'er gently held his arm and whispered, "The atmosphere in the community today feels a bit off."

Zhang Yi silently pulled his arm away, asking, "Oh? What's going on?"

Zhou Ke'er hesitated for a moment, realizing that Zhang Yi didn't like his movements to be restricted. It was fine at home, but outside, he remained vigilant.

"I always feel like there are many eyes spying on us, a strong sense of being watched," she said.

Zhang Yi faintly smiled, "Not surprising. The appearance of the snowmobile is bound to arouse jealousy. After all, this is the south, and such a means of transportation is extremely rare."

"With it, we can search for supplies and, in turn, survive. Who wouldn't want to stay alive?"

Zhou Ke'er worried, "Do you think people from other buildings might attack us? I'm afraid it could be dangerous."

Zhang Yi heard this and looked around, ensuring no one was nearby before lowering his voice, "Isn't there still a lot of cannon fodder?"

"And, no matter how powerful they are, breaking into our home is harder than ascending to heaven."

Zhou Ke'er laughed, "But when people are desperate, who knows what they might do!"

Zhang Yi nodded, "You make a good point."

As the two spoke, Zhang Yi habitually glanced around. Their conversation was best not overheard by others.

However, this cautious observation led him to notice a black crack appearing at the end of his peripheral vision. Passing by the 13th floor, the door to the stairwell showed a gap.

A blood-red eyeball stared at him through the crack!

"Who is it!"

Zhang Yi's muscles tensed instantly. Although he was brave, such unexpected incidents made him nervous. The stairwell door was pushed open with a "bang."

A disheveled woman screamed and rushed out, wielding a blood-stained cleaver towards his head.


Zhou Ke'er screamed in fright.

Zhang Yi quickly pushed Zhou Ke'er to the side. Due to the reaction force, he tilted to the side.

The cleaver missed its target in the air, failing to hit anyone.

However, the woman, crazed and relentless, continued to swing the cleaver at Zhang Yi.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yi rolled down the stairs, taking advantage of the thick clothing and bulletproof vest to protect himself.

After rolling down several flights of stairs, Zhang Yi managed to stabilize himself. It was then that he saw the woman who attacked him—Lin Dama, who had been missing for a long time.

Lin Dama, however, did not relent. She raised the cleaver and stared at Zhang Yi with bloodshot eyes.

"Zhang Yi, I'll make you pay for my grandson!"

"You damn old hag!"

Zhang Yi remained composed. He pointed at Lin Dama's head and coldly said, "Based on her abilities, she can't harm me."

Lin Dama stubbornly raised her head, her bloodshot eyes filled with resentment.

"Zhang Yi, you deserve to die! You killed my grandson! You'll rot in hell!"

Zhang Yi didn't rush to take action. Instead, he calmly asked, "Your grandson wasn't killed by me. Strictly speaking, I'm even your benefactor."

"Because it was Chen Zhenghao's people who kicked your grandson to death, and I helped you kill Chen Zhenghao. You should thank me."

Lin Dama was momentarily stunned. Then, she became even more furious, realizing that what Zhang Yi said made sense!

But how could an irrational woman admit that she was wrong?

"Don't pretend to be a good person here!"

"My grandson wasn't dead at that time. Later, due to the lack of medicine, he died in pain!"

"It's you! You refused to lend me medicine, causing his death! You're the culprit!"

Lin Dama spewed curses, her eyes reddening even more, resembling a fierce, deranged ghost.

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