Chapter 62 Feasting Live for the Neighbors

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"Open the door, open the door!" "I'm Chen Zhenghao. I want to switch to your apartment. Open the door quickly, or I'll shoot!" Inside the room, the young couple clung to each other in fear. "What should we do? They're coming to take our house. I'm afraid we can't even keep the little food we have left." The wife looked at her young husband with a face of despair. The husband, a bespectacled office worker, comforted her, "Don't worry; everything will be fine. If they want the house, let's give it to them." "Oh, and quickly hide the remaining food in your clothes." The couple hid what little food they had left in their clothes and tremblingly opened the door. Seeing the menacing Chen Zhenghao and his gang outside, the man swallowed hard and bowed, saying, "Brother Hao, this house is yours from now on. We'll leave immediately!" Before they could take a few steps, one of Chen Zhenghao's henchmen sneered and raised the steel pipe in his hand. "Bang!" After a muffled sound, the man's eyes went black, and he collapsed to the ground. Even after fainting, his eyes still showed disbelief. He couldn't understand. He had obediently given up the house, so why did they still attack? The woman looked at her husband lying on the ground, blood turning black on the floor, and let out a piercing scream. Another stick hit her on the head. Two henchmen approached, not wasting words, just striking them repeatedly with their clubs. Dr. Zhou Ke'er covered her mouth tightly, completely shocked. This was her first time witnessing a murder, and no matter how strong her psychological resilience was, she couldn't remain calm. Chen Zhenghao glanced at her and sneered, "It's too cold outside; we need to store some food to avoid going hungry later." After killing so many people, he had lost all reverence for life. And there was one thing Chen Zhenghao refused to admit to himself: after being targeted by Zhang Ye's bounty and attacked, he felt a sense of fear deep within. So, he had to suppress the property owners on all floors more brutally to make them submit! Suppressing the nausea, Zhou Ke'er stayed silent. Chen Zhenghao casually walked into the house and ordered his henchmen to deal with the bodies. ... In the following days, Zhang Ye could always hear a series of clinking sounds next door. The noise came from the next apartment, and Zhang Ye knew it was Chen Zhenghao's gang looking for vulnerabilities in his room. Moreover, those people took turns monitoring the front door and rear window of Zhang Ye's apartment. Chen Zhenghao believed that Zhang Ye would at least come out to throw away garbage or fetch melted snow. As long as there was a chance, they could kill Zhang Ye and seize everything he had! However, what Chen Zhenghao didn't realize was that Zhang Ye had a massive spatial storage, so water supply was never an issue for him. But Zhang Ye found it inconvenient to open the window to throw away garbage. Chen Zhenghao had a gun, and Zhang Ye wouldn't risk it. However, for a homebody like him, having a bit more garbage at home wasn't a big deal. In his leisure time, he played games or watched TV series he had downloaded in advance. The pleas and curses from the property owners in the group continued every day. Along with that, there was relentless anger and resentment after their requests were denied. "Zhang Ye, you're a heartless bastard!" "You could have let everyone live a bit longer, why are you so selfish!" "You're destined to be lonely for the rest of your life!" "Do you have no heart? Not helping us will leave you in guilt and regret for the rest of your life!" Facing the neighbors' furious curses, Zhang Ye's response was simple. He decided to live-stream his meals directly in the group, recording his life and sending it to them. "Hello, everyone, today I'm making braised pork belly!" After speaking, a piece of at least twenty pounds of pork belly was thrown onto the cutting board. The neighbors in the group were red-eyed. "Why use so much pork belly for braised pork? If you can't finish it, don't waste it! Give it to me, give it to me!" "Zhang Ye, you're not human. You don't deserve to eat that piece of pork belly!" "Zhang Ye, I haven't had any oily food for a week. Please let me have a piece of pigskin!" "Let me have a sip of oil, is that what you don't want? Give it to me, please!" People on the brink of starvation were entirely defenseless against high-fat foods. With a few taps, Zhang Ye, separated by the screen, seemed to let them smell the aroma of braised pork belly. However, after cooking for a while, Zhang Ye frowned. He tasted a piece of pork belly and spat it into the trash can. "Too much soy sauce! Damn, this dish is ruined." Although Zhang Ye cooked regularly, he rarely cooked elaborate dishes. As a result, he accidentally added too much soy sauce, turning a good pot of meat into something inedible. Even the caramel color wasn't made well, giving the dish a bitter taste. "How can I eat this? Oh, what a waste, what a waste!" Zhang Ye shook his head helplessly. He had intended to showcase his culinary skills, but it turned out to be a disaster. Unfortunately, there were no stray dogs around; otherwise, he wouldn't have wasted it. Helplessly, he poured the entire pot of pork belly into the trash can. The group exploded with messages, and the neighbors were all crazy! "Don't throw it away, don't throw it away! My mouth is a trash can; I'm right here!" "This is a sin; why did you throw it away? Why, why, why? Ahh!" "Take your trash out quickly; I'll go pick it up!" "Young Master, I'm late, do you still need a dog? I can help you dispose of garbage." Some people were driven to the brink of collapsing by Zhang Ye's actions. Their hearts were bleeding! With freezing temperatures and no gas at home, there was no way to cook. Eating a hot meal had become an enormous luxury. Not to mention braised pork belly; they couldn't even dream of eating such delicacies. And Zhang Ye casually poured a pot of pork belly into the trash can, wasting it. The group was in an uproar, with neighbors going crazy! "Let me eat something ready-made!" Zhang Ye shifted the camera, and on the clean and tidy table in his home appeared over a dozen large dishes. The warm yellow light illuminated the table, making the food look even more tempting. Zhang Ye pointed at each dish and passionately introduced them. "Everyone, tonight, my dinner includes oil-braised big prawns, green onion-braised sea cucumbers, signature tofu, sweet and sour Yellow River carp, nine-turn large intestines, stir-fried fish slices, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, turtle egg soup, and candied yams." "Alright, brothers, the dishes are ready; let's dig in!" Zhang Ye propped up his phone, behaving like a food livestreamer, and started feasting. The neighbors in the group went crazy with messages. "Zhang Ye, give me a bite! I'll kowtow to you!" "Zhang Ye, let my child have a piece of fish, even if it's just the tail!" "Zhang Ye, you're my father, and I'm your son. Let me have a sip of soup!" Various pleas filled the chat, and some people were calling Zhang Ye non-stop. Zhang Ye ignored them, enjoying his meal blissfully. Watching the neighbors' desperate and angry expressions, Zhang Ye felt that his meal was even more delicious.

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