Ch. 15 Class Leadership

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As the students gathered in the courtyard for further instruction, a hushed excitement rippled through the crowd. It seemed that Professor Moonshadow was distracted before announcing that she received word that a special guest had arrived to see them. After those last words a figure, glowing with an otherworldly light that nearly blinded the onlookers, appeared next to Professor Moonshadow. As Professor Moonshadow stepped aside to address the figure, his light dimmed so that everyone could properly gaze upon him. The figure was a tall man over 6 ft tall.

Elara Moonshadow
"This here lady's and gentleman is professor Orion Starlight. He is the newest member to our faculty but has been teaching for over a decade now."

Soft murmurs of the students began as they all were fixed in the figure before them. Studying him students began to notice other things about his presence. One of those people was Tsukiko a fashionista studying the physique and polishness of this man's style before her. Orion Starlight is wearing a tailored black suit with a crisp white dress shirt underneath. His outfit is completed with a sleek silver tie and polished black dress shoes. His attire exudes sophistication and professionalism, adding to his aura of mystery and power.

Tsukiko Chinen
"Hmm, he sure is beautiful but not to much is given out about his personality in his style. Unless that's just simply it. Your typical buisnesmen with that attire he shows up so flashy in."

The students were in awe of Orion's stunning appearance. His presence exuded a sense of power and mystique, captivating their attention from the moment he showed up suddenly. They were intrigued by his mysterious aura and it piqued their curiosity about him as a new professor.

With a smile on his face, Orion greeted Professor Moonshadow before explaining the reason for his visit. He informed the class that a select few students had been chosen for a special class tailored just for them.

Orion Starlight
"Good morning, Professor Moonshadow," Orion said with a respectful nod.

"I am here to invite the chosen students to join me in a special journey of knowledge and magic. Will the selected individuals please step forward?"

"This class is designed for those who possess exceptional skills and unwavering dedication during your mock-ups that got you into the academy," Orion announced.

"You will undergo rigorous training and face challenges that will push you beyond your limits. But in the end, you will emerge as the finest warriors this kingdom has ever seen."

"Students, I ask that those who hear their name step forward,"

Orion declared, his voice echoing through the room.

"You have been chosen for a special class, a program designed to foster the best of the best and those who aspire to earn an official title from the Queen and King themselves in their respected factions."

Now upon the glowing light before you step forward and join me at my left."

As Orion says his final words a handful of students begin to glow faintly. The three girls that came together were all glowing as they were exchanged looks at each other's forms. Then they begin their way forward as designated by the professor as 10 mire students with radiant but dim auras emanating from them step forward as well.

As the chosen students stepped forward with a mix of excitement and nervousness, Orion continued to explain the details of the prestigious program. The room buzzed with anticipation as the students realized the magnitude of the opportunity before them.

Orion Starlight
"I am honored to be entrusted with this task by our monarchs and the principal of Elysian academy," Orion said, his eyes gleaming with pride.

Together, we will embark on a journey that will shape you into true leaders of your factions."

The students looked at each other in excitement and anticipation, wondering what adventures awaited them in this special class with Professor Starlight.

Orion Starlight
"Now if you excuse me," he does a short bow to the audience of student then looks to Professor Elara, "excuse my intrusion Ms. moonshadow I shall be out of your hair now." He says with a nod as he looks into her eyes awaiting her response.

Elara Moonshadow
" on the contrary your timing couldn't have been better Advis- I mean. Professor Starlight."
She says tripping over her words surprisingly to some of the students attention.

He humors a soft smile acknowledging the moment as he says

"I will see you later for lunch with the rest of faculty later then." He says one last time bowing smoothly and quickly as he looks to his handful of students before him.

"Well now it's time for us to make our way to the classroom for a short briefing there one more person you all should get familiar with."

He then brings his hands chest level as if ready to clap.

"Alright, now don't blink."

He says as he claps a single time before vanishing along with the group in an instant.

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