Chapter Three

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The next few days went by as usual. Classes were the same, I avoided Kelly and gave her space, and I had to miss Wednesday's football practice because of detention. And every day I attended detention and got to know Dylan a bit more. I also told him more about me; about my brother Luke, my parents, and football. I found out that Dylan worked at Jenny's Coffee Shop on Sunday's and that his two best friends were Mitch and Sally, who I saw in the cafeteria on Tuesday. They were dating.

Before I knew it, it was Friday. The day went slowly, the school a buzz of anticipation for Sam's party tonight. I walked into the cafeteria at lunch to see Dylan at his usual table with Mitch and Sally. He gave me a nod of acknowledgment which I returned before joining Sam, Matt and Cam at our table. Everyone was exciting for tonight.

Friday afternoon ended with double History again. I took my usual seat next to Matt and watched as Dylan was ushered into the class by a flustered looking Mr. Fletcher. He took his seat at the back of the class, and I quickly tuned in to what Mr. Fletcher was saying, something about a History trip next month. As he then proceeded with the lesson, I tuned out yet again and turned my attention to the classroom window. I was raining, which wasn't a surprise considering how lucky we have been to have good weather at the start of the week. As I watched the raindrops slide down the window, I could feel a set of eyes watching me. I turned around and caught Dylan looking at me; he gave me a sheepish smile before focusing back to Mr. Fletcher. I turned back around, unaware of the smile plastered on my own face.

"Dude," Matt whispered, "what are smiling at?"

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head. I honestly had no idea what I was smiling about. The lesson dragged on and when the bell for the end of the school day went, I told Matt I would see him tonight and waited at the door for Dylan before walking to detention together. We took our usual seats and Ms. Jackson went to finish off some work before I spoke.

"So are you coming tonight?"

Dylan slouched in his chair and put his feet on the table. Today he wore a white t shirt and -surprise- black skinny jeans.

"Yeah I am, some of my other friends are going too."

The relief I felt at knowing he was going surprised me. What was all that about? Ms. Jackson came back after just ten minutes and said we could go since it was Friday.

"Try and refrain from punching Cameron in the face, dear," she said to me before we left, "I know that boy is a pain in the ass, but every school has one."

Dylan and I both chuckled as we made our way out of the school and into the rain. Both of us didn't have a jacket -it was sunny this morning- and the rain soaked us through was we made our way down the school steps. I couldn't help but notice how Dylan's wet t shirt clung to his body, the rain making it transparent. He pushed his hair out of his eyes, wiping away the drops of rain that dripped from the end of his nose. Luckily, despite the rain, it was still warm; otherwise I might not have stood for a few seconds staring at him for the fear that I might catch a cold.

"I'll see you later," said Dylan before making his way to the bicycle shelter. His shirt stuck to his shoulder blades, the moving muscle visible as he adjusted his school bag and began to push his bike out of the west exit. I quickly headed for the main gates, I didn't want to be caught standing there like a creep watching him. I walked home quickly in the pouring rain and got home half an hour later. I called out hello to my mum who I could hear was in the kitchen before heading upstairs to my room. I locked my bedroom door and quickly stripped off my soggy clothes before turning on the shower. I stood in front of the mirror above the sink and stared at my reflection as the glass soon began to steam up. I was away just away to get into the shower when I heard my phone go off. I went back to my room and picked it up off the bed.

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