Chapter Forty-Eight

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I didn’t want to go to school. It was raining, my eyes hurt and my bed was way too comfy. But I, Alex Brooke, do not let my bad moods get in the way of my education! Okay, it’s thoughts like that one that also make me want to stay in my bed. My own cringey thoughts are embarrassing me.

I managed to get out of bed, got changed and forced down some breakfast, and by eight forty Luke and I were dashing out to Sam’s car.

Sam drove quietly, tapping his hands on the steering wheel when we were stopped at a red light.

“You want to say something,” I said, leaning my head on the window and watching the rain slide down the glass.

“No I don’t,” said Sam, in the most unconvincing way ever.

“Yes you do, spit it out.”

“I don’t want to intrude-“

I laughed bitterly. “You always want to intrude.”

“Yeah, true. But this time-“

“Sam, I’ll beat it out of you.”

“Whoa, kinky. Anywhore-“


“Oh look! Green light!”

He stepped on the gas a little to forcefully and the car shot forward, jolting my head against the window. I sat up and looked at him.

“Just ask.”

He glanced at me and sighed. “Is everything okay with you and Dylan? Mitch and Sally had to leave last night after you guys did cause he got a phone call from Dylan and-“

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I said, turning away.

“See! That’s why I didn’t ask!”

“I have no idea what is going on right now,” muttered Luke from the back seat.

We pulled up at the school and quickly got out the car and sprinted towards the school. The rain was lashing it down and by the time we got inside my hair was soaked. I had double P.E first, and since Mr Connor could tell half the class were hung-over he decided to be a dickhead and make us do cross-country in the rain. Asshole.

I sat through Maths and English with soaking wet hair and socks, and by the time lunch came around I was starving. I got my lunch and joined my friends at our table. I could help my eyes from glancing round the table, looking for Dylan.

“Where’s Dylan?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as I could. That effort was wasted.

The table fell into awkward silence, and Matt tried to start another conversation before I noticed. He failed.

“He didn’t want to come in today,” said Mitch.

“Okay,” was all I said, and I continued to finish my lunch.

Before the end of lunch Sally grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the table and steered us both out of the lunch hall.

“Right, tell me what’s going on?” asked Sally.

“Maybe it’s none of your business?”

She slapped me on the back of the head.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Don’t get all moody and sassy on me Alec Brooke or I will kick your dick into your stomach.”

“Jeez, okay. Sorry,“ I said holding my hands up in surrender.

“So, what’s going on with you two?”


“Don’t lie. Mitch dropped me off last night before going to pick up Dylan cause he was in too much of a state to drive. Mitch said he got there and Dylan was smoking.”
I tried to act like I didn’t care. “So?”

“Alec! Go talk to him.”

“You know why. Mitch said you saw him kiss Jayme... Or Jayme kiss him... Whatever. Anyway, you should at least hear him out.”

I sighed and turned towards Sally. She looked at me with sympathy and took my hands. I really wish I could hate her, but she was right.

I could feel my eyes filling with tears and Sally pulled me into a hug.

“Alec,” she said softly, holding me tight. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to him. He loves you, I can see it. And I know you love him, you’re just too scared to admit it.”

 “Sally, I don’t know what to do.”

She pulled back and wiped tears from her own eyes. “Yes you do. Go talk to him. Wait till tomorrow so your head is fully cleared and go hear what he had to say.”

I gave her another hug just as the end of lunch bell rang.

“Thank you,” I said.

“That’s what I’m here for.”


That night I was upstairs when my mum knocked on my door. We’d had a brief conversation when I got about the night before and I told her I was fine. I didn’t mention that I had heard what dad had said.

“Alec,” she said, popping her head round the door. I was lying on my bed, listening to music, and I removed my headphone when I saw her.

She gave me a soft smile, handing the phone towards me. “It’s for you.”

I got up off the bed and took the phone from her. My mum quietly closed the door behind her and I went and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Alec? Hello, it’s Jane.”

“Oh hi, how are you?”

“I’m good thanks. I was calling because I wanted to ask you a favour.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Me and Sophie are going to stay at my mum’s this weekend- Dylan was supposed to come but he says he’s not in the mood- so I was wondering if you would do me a favour and check up on him?”


“He won’t leave his room or tell me what it’s about. Do you know what’s wrong with him?”

“Well, we kind of had a fight and-

“Oh Alec!  I’m sorry! I’ll ask Mitch to do it so you don’t have to-“

“No, no! It’s fine!” I said, cutting her off. “I don’t mind, I need to sort things out anyway.”

“Alec, thank you so much. I’m just worried that he’s going to back to the way he was before and- oh don’t, mind me. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“Don’t worry Jane, we won’t let him get like that.”

“Thank you so much- Oh, I’ve got to go, Sophie has my mobile! Bye!”

“Bye,” I said, laughing slightly. My laughter faded when I remembered what she had said.

Was Dylan really that bad?

I took the phone down stairs and said good night to my mum.

I’d have to talk to Dylan tomorrow and find out what’s wrong, find out what Jayme said to him. I went and took a quick shower, trying to clear my head. I knew it was no use worrying about it right now, so I put my music back in and hoped I could get to sleep despite the worry I was feeling.

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