Chapter Thirty

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Alec POV

After being prevented from trying to beat up Cam for asking such a stupid (and personal) question I walked home. The night air was cool against my face and the sky was now a midnight blue. I zipped my jacket right up and buried my hands into my pockets, hunching my shoulders in the hopes of staying warm. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I saw I had a text from Dylan.

Double date tomorrow night with Mitch and Sally, you in? (It’s gonna happen at some point) x

I replied back saying I was in and Dylan he’d pick me up around seven.

I welcomed the heat and the smell of lasagne as I entered the house and headed straight for the kitchen.

“Hey buddy,” said my mum as I entered. She gave me hug and rested her hands on my cheeks. “Alec honey, you’re freezing.”

“I’m not anymore,” I said as I took off my jacket and hung it on the back of one of the chairs. “Smells good.”

“Thank you. It’s just for you boy’s tonight, your father and I are heading out to have dinner at your aunt’s.”

I nodded slowly, watching her take the lasagne out of the oven.

“So... things with you and dad are okay?”

“Mm hmm,” she replied, setting the dish on the counter. “Could you do me a favour and go get your brother for me?”


“And take your jacket up the stairs with you.”

I rolled my eyes and picket up my jacket and headed up the stairs. I threw it onto my bed before knocking on Luke’s door.


I opened the door and popped my head in.

“Dinner’s ready.”
“What are we having?”
“YEAH! GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYERS!” I fist bumped the air.

“You prayed for lasagne?”

“Why wouldn’t you pray for lasagne?”

Fair point. I made my way back downstairs, Luke following me, and we both sat at the table and ate our dinner. When my dad arrived home he said hello and went upstairs to get changed.


“Yes honey?” she said while putting in her earring and pacing around the kitchen.

“Would it be okay if Dylan stayed tomorrow night?” I hadn’t asked Dylan yet, but considering I’ve stayed at his a few times it was time he got to come over here.

“Of course he can, are you going out tomorrow night?”

“Yeah,” I replied, trying not to blush. We were going out on a date, to be more precise, but who cares about minor details?

“Well I’m going out to meet some friends tomorrow so if I don’t see you, have fun!”

She gave both me and Luke a kiss on the cheek before joining my dad as he came down the stairs.

“See you boys later!”


I quickly finished my dinner, washed the dished and headed back upstairs to text Dylan.

Do you want to stay over tomorrow night? X

He replied a few minutes later.

Sure. Do I need to bring anything? x

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