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French to English Translations

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Fille stupide - stupid girl

Bonjour - hello

Au revoir - goodbye 

Bien - good/well

Le Château - castle

Moi - me

Aussi - also

Famille - family

Petit - small

Fille - girl

Je m'excuse - I'm sorry

Aïe-aïe-aïe - (exclamation of pain; no direct translation)

Salut - hi; a casual way of saying hello

Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?  - what's wrong?

J'ai douze ans - I am twelve years old

Mademoiselle - Miss (used to address an unmarried/young woman)

Mais - but 

Je m'appelle - my name is 

Coureur de bois - fur trader/explorer; usually refers to French men who migrated to Canada and the United States to obtain and barter fur

Pardon - sorry 

Euh - um, uh (not a real word, simply a French replacement for the English 'uh' or 'um')

Non - no

Oui - yes

C'est vrai? - this is true?/is this so?

Je ne sais pas - I don't know

Docteur - Doctor

Monsieur - Mister

Madame - Mrs (used to address a married/older woman)

Maman - Mom

Papa - Dad

Merci - thanks 

La boulangerie - the bakery 

Mes amis - my friends

Merci beaucoup - thank you very much

Beaucoup - a lot, very much (word used to signify large quantities of something)

Soeur - Sister (or simply a nun)

Bon matin - good morning

Félicitations - congratulations 

Bien sûr - of course

Rue - street

Livres - money; refers to the type of money used at the time which would be equivalent to that of American/Canadian dollars or English pounds

Cinq - five

Trois - three

Quatre - four

Bonsoir - good evening

Mais, tu es ma mère! - but, you are my Mother!

Par pitié! - For goodness/pities sake!

Demoiselle - A young lady 

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