Wattpad Original

Author's Note

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This novel came to me when I was researching the historical stories of girls my age who had lived remarkable lives. In popular French-Canadian memory, les filles du roi are remembered as brave heroines who facilitated the growth of one of the prominent European colonies in North America. For many reasons—they were brave as in the midst of youth and relative inexperience, they left their families, homes and everything familiar to them in search of better lives. 

In my research I also encountered the more sinister aspects of this history often buried beneath patriotic narratives and romanticisms. Though this land was often euphemistically referred to as the New World, it was anything but. The expansive forests and lakes were already inhabited by a multitude of diverse nations, each with their own distinct language, culture and customs. The arrival of European explorers brought foreign diseases to the Indigenous populations, killing entire communities. Slavery and racism were unfortunate hallmarks of these colonies. 

I hope that my work addressed the darker aspects of history with grace and sensitivity while still navigating themes of hope, loss, friendship, romance, faith and growth. 

I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this book, including you, dear reader! I do not know how to put into words the joy your kind words have brought me. I sincerely doubt that I would have been as motivated to write, edit and re-edit this book without your support. 

I also want to thank my dad for bestowing me with a love of history, and my mom for giving me a love of literature. The latter has been my biggest supporter from the start and always gives me helpful advice!

Above all, I want to thank Jesus for giving me the strength to write when I wanted to give up. For loving me despite my many faults. For wiping my tears and being my anchor in stormy waters. For giving me new life. For everything. 


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