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Hi everyone!

For the last several years, Daughters of the King has remained a free story but has now joined the Paid Stories Program at Wattpad.

You can read chapters 1-4 for free but must unlock the later chapters by paying, which helps support me and other writers on Wattpad who dedicate hours to their craft. If you're able to and interested in this story, please consider paying to help support me!

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I appreciate your support so much! <3

Lots of love,



In 1663, the Kingdom of France is seeking greater political power on the world stage. Through the colonization of the so-called "New World," the House of Bourbon established the colony of New France, a place located in modern-day Québec, Canada.

Between competition with the English and conflicts with local Indigenous peoples, the colony is a dangerous venture, and slow to attract settlers.

In a desperate bid to increase the population of the extremely fragile settlement, Louis XIV calls 500 unmarried Frenchwomen away from their homes, families, and lives to marry the French colonists of a land completely foreign to them.

They are les filles du roi: the daughters of the king.

This is their story.

Daughters of the King (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now