Chapter 11: The Truth

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Bishop got the whole rant about my unstable mother. I told her about how she struggled with her mental health and wasn't taking her medicine for illnesses. Told her about my father and all the crazy things that happened after he died. I left out all the magic, demon and crazy stuff of course. 

"He gave me this ring," I stuck out my hand for her to see it.

Something weird happened though. The moment she looked at it, my ring began glowing. It was for a second though. 

"Um," I looked up at Bishop. "did you see that?" I asked her.

She took a few seconds before answering. "See what?" She asked.

"It...was glowing," I said. "You didn't see-"

"Maybe we should stop drinking," Bishop got up and laughed. She grabbed a pillow and hit me with it gently. "I'm sorry you had such a shitty"

I laughed and picked up the pillow I was sitting on then threw it at her. "It is what it is."

She sat back down and grabbed my shoulder. Her face was now somewhat serious. "Your mom left your here. My mom left me here. Could be some message from the universe. We're obviously here for a reason."

I couldn't tell if that was the alcohol talking of if she was right. Maybe she was right, but the universe never seemed to give me answers to things. The universe had a way of hurting me and leaving me with questions but never answers. I thought about it. What if this was the answer? What if Bishop was the answer? Could I trust her? I didn't know but there had to be some reason we were both here.

"Maybe you're right," I told her.

She dropped her hand off my shoulder and let it fall to my leg. Before I could say anything else, Bishop and I had an intense stare down. My eyes couldn't break from her and I think she felt the same way. I wanted to look away. I wanted her to look away but the both of us couldn't. It was awkward. It was weird. It was..nice. 

"What's on your mind?" She finally spoke.

"I don't know. A lot. Us." I told her. I broke the eye contact because I couldn't hold it anymore without feeling weird. "I'm thinking about what you said and if...and if I can trust you."

"Don't you think I was wondering the same thing since you got here," she rolled her eyes. "I mean, no one comes here. No one knows of this place and hasn't been here in years. You say your mother dropped you here. I think there's something you're not telling me."


She cut me off.

"And it's okay, Helena. You don't have to trust me. You don't have to tell me anything," she rested her hand on my leg again. "but if you want to tell me, I can take it. However, I have this feeling that this..." we made eye contact again. "all of this is for a reason."

There was silence. My heart began racing. I wanted to tell her but how? Where would I start? 

"I don't know if you'll believe me," I started. I showed her my ring once again. "My father gave this to me before he died. Before my mother left me here, we were attacked by someone...something. They were like...demons or something. Whatever attacked us wasn't human and they killed my uncle and aunt right in front of me. She told me to use the ring to stop them and I did." I wiped the tears from my eyes. "My mom left me a note and said I need to figure out my powers that the ring holds. I don't even know what that means but the ring helped us escape from the demons." I let my face fall into my hands, shielding myself from probably the most embarrassing thing ever. I wouldn't even believe me.

Bishop's eyes were open wide when I looked up. She wasn't staring at me though. Her gaze was fixed on the door. She got up without saying a word and walked right out of the shack like that. I didn't know what to do or say. My mind wasn't there. It was everywhere at once. If she didn't believe me, why get up and leave? Why not a simple, "I don't believe you." I laid onto the floor and pinched my forehead, waiting for Bishop to return...

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