Chapter 18: Under Arrest

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The man kept asking me if I was okay and if I lived here. I couldn't come up with an answer for him and frankly, I did not trust him. I just stood there, clueless of my next step. The man nodded then disappeared for a moment. He then came back with a box of fresh fruit and some snacks. 

"You're a lot more nicer," he said. "I'm Daniel. I've owned this shop for 12 years. I've seen people like you pass through here, confused and scared. You are scared. I can see it."

"How do you know?" I looked up at him and took the box.

He smiled at me. "It's in your eyes. Body language speaks louder than words could somethings. I feel your energy. But don't worry, you'll get through."

I kind of just chuckled to myself. 

Get through? Yeah right.

We said our goodbyes. I began to walk forward with my box of fruit not knowing where I was going when all of a sudden, I noticed a small paper in the box with something written on the back. 

It read: Don't trust her. She's not good.

I looked back at the man but he was no longer there. The stress began to get to me. I just wanted to buckle down and stop right there. I sat the food to the side and walked a bit further. I saw this old dinghy pub not to far from where I was. It was called, Gin & Gin. The lights on the building flickered on and off. Without thinking, I made my way in that direction. No food no problem. I didn't care anymore.

When I walked inside, I was surprised to see the place partially full. Men and women, all looking like they were trying to have a good time despite their not so great living conditions in the town they were in. Maybe it wasn't bad, but the way people dressed here sort of reminded me of I smell cigs, beer, and sweat. There were a few seats up at the bar, a darting board on the wall with two darts thrown into it, an old record player playing rock music in the distance. This women carrying a burger passed me and told me to sit anywhere. I went up to the bar and asked them if they had food.

Some women with barely any teeth approached me. She leaned in on the counter. "Kitchen is about to close up soon. Only thing we got right now is some pizza and fries. Can't guarantee it's cold though."

"I'll take it," I said.

"Anything to drink? First round on me," she smiled. "Daniel said you're nice." She then moved her head in the direction behind me and to my surprise, there he was. Sitting by himself in front of a small table. "He's drinking a Stella. I'll bring it over to you both."

I nervously walked over to him. He greeted me with a big smile as if he was expecting me. He got up and placed a chair on the other side of the table. "Nice to see you again," he said. "never caught your name by the way?"

I was so hesitant to tell him, however this was a bar. If he was a demon, he wouldn't be near alcohol right?

"My name is Helena," I told him. I couldn't help but wonder why I told him. Why am I speaking to this weird old man?

"You read my note?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "it was a bit weird."

He laughed a little. "Kid, if only you knew."

"Well you seem to know something I don't," I said, a bit annoyed.

The bartender brung us both two Stellas in dirty glasses. I had to wipe a lip stain off mine. I took a sip and almost gagged. It wasn't to my liking but I powered through. 

"Helena," he continued. "everyone knows Bishop. She comes to this town. Steals. Takes our food and supplies. She's nearly a wanted criminal here...but no one can catch her. One minute she's here, the next she's not."

"Wait, what?" I said while shaking my head. "She's never been here. I found this place."

"Bishop is trouble," he said. "trust me." He then took a large gulp of beer from his glass. "I knew her father, that's why I didn't press her too hard the first time I saw her. I ain't no snitch but I don't like a thief. My wife was killed in my own cabin when two people broke in and tried to steal. My lady tried to defend herself and they beat her to death. And for what? Some bread and a few bottles of booze? Come on."

"Why would she pretend she didn't know where we are?" I asked him. "That's just crazy."

"You think a bad person will admit their sins to you?" He said. "You think she was going to tell you she steals? And break the trust you both built."

"I just don't understand-"

"And you won't," He cut me off. "I don't understand it either. How she constantly gets away with it. How she's seen one second then can disappear the next."

I wasn't sure what to make out of this conversation.

"Do you know how?" He looked at me before taking another sip of his beer. He placed it down. I felt some strange tension.

"No!" I said. "I don't even know any of this before you told me about it."

"That's too bad." He said. "You can tell me. Where she lives. Anything. I just want her to stop what she's doing. Have a talk."

"Well," I hesitated. "you had that chance when you saw her."

"You're right," he said. 

There was a pause.

"I can't read you," he continued. "but you have this intense energy. I feel like you know something about Bishop that I don't. I feel like you both do. Or maybe you two are working together. I mean," he played with his beard. "where you plan on taking this food? Back to her?"

I got up. "That's enough. This is too much. I have no idea what you want or...or what you're talking about."

He stood up and pulled something out his back pocket. "You will soon," he said walking towards me with handcuffs. "you're under arrest."           

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