16. Falling for you

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I was excited to go to chemistry today. Not for the chemistry — we were doing carbon chemistry experiments and they were one of my least favourite areas — but to see Griffin. Noah had texted me last night saying that the blue hair prank had been a complete success and I couldn't wait to see the results. 

At breakfast I had scanned the entirety of Beckfall's table looking for a blue head however June had quickly pointed out that I wouldn't see him there because he was at hockey training. Somehow over the rest of breakfast I lost track of time which resulted in me running at full sprint down the hallways of the science block trying to get to class on time. I was completely out of breath when I eventually made it to the classroom door, almost colliding head on with Mrs Miller who was coming out of the door followed by almost half the class.

"Ah Rory. Come with us," she told me, then marched past without acknowledging my lateness. 

I breathed a sigh of relief then whispered to Jordan who was also in this group, "Where are we going?" 

"Experiments today," he replied. "There isn't enough room in one classroom so they're splitting us over two."

I nodded as we entered the new classroom. "Gotcha."

"Find a seat wherever. You'll only be here once so no need for a seating plan," Mrs Miller said.

It felt odd walking over to sit next to Jordan at the back of the classroom. I was so used to Griffin and his side comments. It will be a nice break, I tried to convince myself, a break from all of his annoyingness. I ignored the weird feeling in my stomach and the lesson went smoothly. I managed to complete all the experiments without any major accidents occurring which was a win in my opinion. Mrs Miller occasionally walked past, eyeing colour changes and observing my scrawled tables with a slight frown. I definitely wasn't going to be in the top three today but that was okay.

By the time chemistry was over I'd entirely forgotten about Griffin's new hair. Today we didn't have to stay until the end of the three hours and instead could leave whenever we'd completed all the tasks. At ten past twelve I finished jotting down my notes and handed in my clipboard holding all of my work. I grabbed my bag and left the classroom, relieved that the worst day was over. The sun was still shining when I made it outside. I smiled, hopefully the rest of summer would be this warm or even hotter. The moment that thought crossed my mind I laughed, this was England, no way would that actually happen.

"What are you laughing at princess?"

I turned around to see Griffin leaning against the building behind me. I raised my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you of course." He walked over to me and in the sunlight I could see that Griffin's dark brown hair now held a partial blue hue. I began laughing. It wasn't as bright as my Dad's had been but it still looked great. 

"Your hair looks stunning." I walked round him, getting the full 360 experience of it. I reached up and briefly lifted a strand of his hair to have a better look. "If only you had blonde hair, then it would've been a stronger blue. 3:2, by the way."

"I'm quite content with dark hair," he replied, running a hand through his short hair. We started walking towards the school and he changed the subject. "Do you have anything on right now?"

I shook my head. "Everybody else is busy so no. Why?"

He smiled. "I have a new activity for our prank war."


"Come with me." He took my hand and began leading me across the lawn and around the school building before I could protest.

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