25. Someone else

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The next hour went by in a blur. I detangled myself from Griffin's embrace when June returned with Miss Winters and a first aid kit. After disinfecting my cut and bandaging it up, Miss Winters insisted that I caught a ride back to the shore in her kayak rather than my own. I tried to protest but quickly got shot down by everyone who pointed out that I still looked rather pale. 

"You've got yourself a good one," Miss Winters said, helping me out of the kayak at the other end.


"Griffin seems nice." 

"Oh, no," I said quickly, suddenly realising what she meant. "We're not together."

"My mistake," Miss Winters replied. 

My eyes flitted to where Brittney was greeting Griffin a little way down the beach. This was why I'd been avoiding him. As if he felt my gaze, he turned his head towards me, his eyes meeting my own. I quickly looked back to Miss Winters before it looked like I was staring and said, "He's with another person."

She shrugged in a very unteacherly manner. "A shame, you two looked cute. Don't worry, someone else will be out there for you."

I was grateful that June chose that moment to ask, "Rory, how's your leg feeling?"

I turned around to see her and Noah pulling their kayaks towards us, their feet crunching in the sand. I grimaced. "Sore."

Noah laughed. "I'd expect nothing less from a cut that big."

"But not big enough to stop you from playing capture-the-flag tomorrow?"

"Of course not." I smiled at June's worried expression. "Nothing can stop me from playing."

"If you want to play I expect you to go back to school now and rest until tonight," Miss Winters said.

I saluted then instantly regretted the sudden movement. "Yes ma'am."

"I can help you back." Griffin offered, walking over. I was surprised to see that Brittney wasn't clinging to his arm but was instead still down the beach, now talking to Oscar.

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied curtly.

The trip back across the lake had given me time to clear my thoughts and process what had happened. I'd come to the conclusion that I should never get injured in front of people that turn my insides into twists because it turns out I have no control over my words when I'm injured and cold.

"You're definitely not fine," Miss Winters butted in. "I want someone to stay with her."

"Noah and I will look after her," June replied and I inwardly thanked her.

Griffin looked like he was about to protest then Oscar began calling him over. He smiled at me. "See you soon princess."

I may have imagined it but I thought I saw Miss Winters raise her eyebrows slightly.

Griffin began walking back down the beach and I turned to Miss Winters. "Thank you again." 

"Let me know if it starts to look infected," she replied. 

"Will do," I replied then June, Noah and I began heading back to school, me limping slightly.


A gust of wind blew the trees and I shivered. "Did you guys remember everything?" I asked, as Ruben and Noah approached the log June and I were sitting on. 

The sun was nearing the horizon and our school was gathering in a clearing in the middle of the forest, out of sight from the other schools. Long shadows were cast onto the ground by the tall trees surrounding us and I smiled. The air held a feeling of anticipation. 

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