18. Storm clouds

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After the sumo wrestling incident, the rest of the day was rather boring. Like I'd told Griffin, June, Noah and Ruben were busy doing their own things so I'd spent most of my time in the library studying for thermochemistry tomorrow. In the evening storm clouds rolled in off the hills surrounding the school so June, Holly and I played cards in our dorm, wrapped in blankets, and sipping hot chocolate.

Friday was no better. When I left for my last chemistry test in the morning, the whole school and grounds had been shrouded in a cloud that left me shivering and damp. The moment I'd walked into the classroom, I'd noticed how Griffin's expression mirrored the bad weather. He didn't looked at me once and a smile was completely out of the question. 

I wanted to believe that this was some sort of prank, ignore Rory until she implodes, however it obviously wasn't true. Something my brother said or did must have actually gotten under his skin. And now he had gotten under mine by ignoring me.

For the rest of the day my mind was whirling, what had happened between them? What had happened last year at the Championships to make them both severely dislike each other? I had drawn the conclusion that it was more than just Beckfall beating Dartington in the final, but further then that I had nothing.

June nudged me with her foot under the dining table bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality. "Rory just talk to him. Whatever happened between him and your brother is their problem. Tell him to snap out of it."

"Talk to who about what?" Noah asked.

"Griffin is giving Rory the cold shoulder," June explained. "Can you pass the potatoes?" Ruben handed them down to her. "Thanks." 

Noah nodded. "Griffin was in a bit of a mood this morning."

I took a mouthful of pasta. "Jack and him seem to have a bit of history."

Noah waved his fork. "So?"

"Yesterday at the sumo wrestling Griffin found out that Jack's my brother," I elaborated. "He didn't know we were related."

"Ah. Is that why we haven't pulled the toilet paper prank on him today?" Ruben asked through a mouthful of peas.

"She's worried she's gonna further hurt his feelings," June teased.

I kicked her under the table. "Absolutely not. However, there is no fun in pranking someone who doesn't have a current sense of humour."

"Agreed," Ruben mumbled through a mouthful of food. 

"Maybe it wasn't actually you and it's just coincidence that Griffin's in a mood?" June debated. "He seems okay now."

I turned my head to look over at Beckfall's table where Griffin sat with his teammates. He was laughing and seemed completely fine. "Maybe you're right. Tomorrow we'll start pranking again."

Noah grinned. "That's what we like to hear."

"We have high ropes tomorrow," Ruben said.

"Maybe we could accidentally cut his safety rope," June plotted.

"As much as I would love to"— I smiled — "that would mean our prank war is rather short lived which would be boring."

June laughed. "Dang."

"What prank are we going to pull then?" Noah took a sip of water.

 I grinned. "Tomorrow is the orange juice prank." I'd been looking forward to this one since the beginning of the prank war. 

"It's going to be gross." Ruben crinkled his face then laughed. "I can't wait."

We finished plotting while eating and then I began collecting together our plates and cutlery. "I'll take them to the kitchen."

Noah passed me his plate. "Thanks Rory."

With our dishes in hand I walked down the aisle between the dinner tables and into the kitchen, almost colliding with someone coming out.

Not someone, Griffin.

"Watch where you're going Cooper." Griffin growled.

That was a new one. I narrowed my eyes on him. "I thought it was established that it's you who needs to watch where they're going. Need I remind you of our first meeting?"

"Just stay out of my way." His scowl deepened and he walked away without another word leaving me in shock and with a cold feeling in my chest.

I quickly dropped off the dishes and made my way back to the others. "I can officially confirm that he is still mad at me."

"He's being is an idiot." June shook her head in annoyance. "He deserves our prank tomorrow."

Noah smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure he'll get over himself soon."

"I'm sure he will," I said slowly, unsure whether I believed my own words.

Griffin confused me. He'd gone from laughing and voluntarily hanging out with me, to giving me the cold shoulder in under 24 hours. I realised with a sinking stomach that I missed his annoying smirk that was present every time he poked fun at me. I missed the teasing glint in his eyes when they met my own. I missed being able to laugh at him, with him.

What that meant exactly, I wasn't sure.

And I also wasn't sure whether I wanted to know right now. 


Any suspicions as to what the orange juice prank is?

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SouthernAlps over and out...

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