2: Hospital

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I woke up to this annoying beeping noise and terrible pain coming from my head. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times and noticed that I was no longer at Casey's house. But in a hospital room. I looked around the room and noticed that there was no one in here but me.

"Come on, Doc," I heard a familiar voice just outside the room say. "You gotta let us see her."

"Not until she's awake." A deep male voice replied.

"Well she is awake!" I yelled out at them.

"And slightly damn irritated." I mumbled as I heard the rush of multiple footsteps come into the room.

As I was sitting myself up, a tan arm reached out to help me. I jumped in surprise and looked at the person. I was met with a pair of deep chocolate eyes. I recognise those eyes anywhere.

"Billy." I whispered.

"You need to take it easy Kathy." He said as he made sure that I was comfortable.

I gave him a small smile and looked around the room. I saw that Tatum, Stu, and Randy were here. Along with the Doctor.

"How long have I been out?" I ask, looking at the Doctor.

"You gave us quite a scare Ms. Prescott," the Doctor said stepping forward, "the injury to your head could have gotten badly infected, if it wasn't treated sooner. And to answer your question, you've been asleep for a couple of hours."

I looked at the clock on the wall behind the Doctor it read: 12:35 AM. Just as I was about to ask when I could leave when, Deputy Dewey Riley-Tatum's brother and Sheriff Burke entered the room.

"Good," Sheriff Burke said, "she's awake. Everyone out."

"But, I need to check her vitals," the Doctor said,"and to make sure her stitches haven't come undone." The Sheriff gave him one nasty look and the doctor practically ran out of the room like his ass was on fire.

The sheriff then nodded at my friends to leave also. Tatum sent me a small smile and dragged Stu with her as he was making very obscene gestures as he was dragged behind the sheriff. Randy just high-tailed it out of the room not looking for a confrontation.

I felt pressure on my hand and looked down to see Billy squeezing it. I looked up at him and noticed that he was glaring dangerously at Sheriff Burke. I squeezed his hand back and Billy snapped his head in my direction, looking into my eyes once again.

"Out Loomis," barked Sheriff Burke with his hands on his hips.

"He stays or I don't talk." I said as I still looked at Billy. Sheriff Burke looked baffled by my statement.

"Katherine-" Dewey said taking a step forward.

I whipped my head on his direction and the next sentence as steady as possible, "the last time I talked to this police department, I was told that I was "crazy" or that I was a "silly little teenager, just seeing things," or, "we'll find out who did this, there's no need to worry anymore," well guess fucking what?"

"Tonight, I was stalked by a cloaked figure that also happened to be making threatening phone calls to Casey and I, before killing Steve Orth before our very fucking eyes. And then whoever this is, decided to come after us," I got louder and louder with each word.

Billy was full on hugging me at this point to keep me from shaking so much, as my hand was squeezing his instead.

"And then," I calmly said, "I watched another mother lose a child. Another mother lose her daughter. I lost my best friend."

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