1901 - 1910

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1901. When u sneez , you die for a second.

1902. Your body is weak during 3–4 am.This is the time when most people die in their sleep.

1903. For a man's mental health a 5 minute conversation with a beautiful girl is more beneficial than a 2 hour yoga.

1904. The fourt finger of the left hand has the vene amoris,“the vain of love” ,which is believed to be connected directly to the heart.This is the reason why we put the engagement ring on the fourth finger of the left hand.

1905. Tears don't come when you miss someone but, they come when you don't want to miss someone.

1906.  Male dogs to prefer to play with female dogs, whereas female dogs don't discriminate between playmates.This may arise from an evolutionary necessity for mother to care for pups.

1907. Crow don't forget the single face they come across and if they don't have a fond memory of you they will certainly not forget your face as they will hold a grudge against you . Interestingly,this grudge is carried on by their next generation.

1908.Blue is world's favourite colour studies done around the world reveal that a whopping clot of people consider Blue to be their favourite colour.Thats why you are attracted to Facebook more because it has a combination of blue and White.

1909. Facts of this category are temporarily removed and will be added in the upcoming updates.

1910. Girls, however, do not like guys who are overprotective. They have had enough with their parents; they don’t want another protective guard when they enter a relationship.

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