1981 - 1990

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1981. New born babies: They can only see in black and white for a few months.

1982. A new born baby has about one cup of blood in his body.

1983. The word "bride" comes from an old proto-germanic word meaning "to cook".

1984. Charles Darwin ate Every Animal He Discovered.

1985. IndiGo airline only hires female flight attendants because they are lighter, so they save up to US$500,000 per year in fuel.

1986. Antarctica is the only continent without a time zone.

1987. 14 billion pounds (6B Kg.) of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year. Most of it is plastic.

1988.  All Pandas in the world are on loan from China.

1989. Cat kidneys are so efficient they can rehydrate by drinking seawater.

1990. Scientists claim most internet trolls are narcissistic, sadistic and psychopathic in nature.

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