1941 - 1950

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1941. The more intelligent you’re, the more annoyed you’re likely to get by people in general but at the same time keep quiet to avoid an argument,

1942. 91% of people are no longer friends with someone they called their “ best friend “,

1943. Once you begin to dislike someone, everything they do tends to annoy you,

1944. As long as you keep expecting something or someone to solve your problems, you’re going to keep getting disappointed,

1945. Life is too ironic. It takes absence to value presence, noise to appreciate silence, & sadness to know what happiness is,

1946. The truth is not as painful as discovering a lie,

1947. Escapism is one of the most popular methods of fleeing unpleasant realities,  food & danger attract at first go.

1948.People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won’t notice their behaviour that made you change,

1949. Haters don't really hate you , in fact they hate themselves because you are a reflection of what they wish to be.

1950. Make sure to listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you. This is how they speak about you to other people.

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