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her colours

  That night, after his roommates had finally fell asleep, Dean walked out of the Gryffindor Tower, under his arm, his sketch notebook with the drawing already finished. Those who had comeback had permission to do so. They were adults after all. 

Trying to find the exact window he sat the night before, Dean missed the fact he was being followed.

She was curious. That much she knew. Why him? She didn't have a clue. This year the castle seemed to be overflowing with sad souls, damaged souls. That made her sad, and guilty. But... if she had to guess, it would be how the boy refused to let his feelings out. Not exactly crying, not all of them did that.

There was a few that screamed at the Astronomy Towers after casting Silencio over them.

There was this boy, who spends hours working on the Green House, even when there was nothing to do.

She had seen a girl on a broom, doing laps so fast and for so long she was tempted do show her just to warn the nurse.

And there was a boy who just sat on the bridge, watching a paper burn, his cheeks red because he rubbed the tears out of them.

Or that girl, silently crying while doing her homework, rubbing her left arm once in a while.

But Dean just stood there, bottling everything up, allowing his feeling to eat him alive. He was drowning. Prideful lion he was.

When Dean found the place they had met, she rolled her eyes and decided to make herself visible. She wouldn't miss the chance to scare him a little.

"Bloody hell! Don't do that!" the tall boy had jumped when he saw her appear from nothing beside him. He had a frown on his face that made her laugh a little.

"Why? It's funny... And not to guilt trip you, but the last time I had fun... was... a little... long ago." She shrugged softly, still smiling. "So... what do you have there?"

She couldn't lie, this time what made her curious was the object he had under his arm. She had seen them before, mostly used by muggleborns, sometimes half bloods. She couldn't remember the name of it though.

Dean stared at the girl for a few seconds before he decided to show her his drawing. He was nervous about it. Normally girls liked when he made draws of them, but... well. They were his age, and she was... not. Even though she looked like she had his age.

"My... friend made me draw you." Dean bit his tongue; it was still hard sometimes not to slip back to calling Ginny his girlfriend, especially after moments like this morning. He knew two years had passed but he didn't have the time to properly get over it.

The expression on the girl's face was blank while she stared at the drawing, for a moment he thought she didn't like it and was about to close the notebook when she asked.

"Don't... don't you see me in gray shades?" her voice cracked a little at the beginning. Her eyes never leaving the drawing. Dean saw how she reached to touch it but seemed to recall she couldn't, drawing her hand back.

"Well, yeah. I just... guessed, by the shades of grey." He shrugged.

"You... guessed?" the tone on her voice was a mixture of surprise and something else he couldn't name.

"Yeah, pretty much... I mean, I knew you hair was dark. But not enough to be black... and your eyes, well... that was pure guessing. Thought green would suit you better than blue or brown." Dean explained after sitting on the windowsill. "Same with your dress, I just..." he shook his head. He didn't understand what the big deal... was.

"Wait a second... did I...nailed it?" she nodded, this time looking at his eyes. Dean swallowed a chill going through his spine. Maybe he would never get used to ghosts after all. Or it was just her?

"You did... maybe they are not the right shade but... You, you did it." She took a lock of hair and looked at it. "I remember how I looked..." a small smile appears on her lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome... ", Dean paused. "I still don't know your name."

She lifted an eyebrow, "But you have your guesses." He nodded.

"I just need another clue." He took her silence as permission. "Did you have sisters?"

She shook her head, "Just brothers..."

Dean nodded and tilts his head a little, it made sense. The name on his head definitely suits her.

"You're welcome, Adele."

He had just met Slytherin's daughter.  

Pride Tears | Dean ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now