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  Dean didn't know what to say. Adele had just told him how she died. How she was killed.

"After that... My father and Godric argued. Helga didn't side with my father but she didn't side with Godric either. But Rowena did. It was her idea to keep quiet about my death, as it would cause panic or something like that. They were sad about it but... I guess they were trying to see the bigger picture... The best for the greater good as your former headmaster used to say."

Adele continued. "Then, yeah, the story is pretty much accurate from that point. He did made the Chamber... he hide his basilisk there. He... had lost it after my death."

"So you knew about it... and you never told a soul?" Dean wanted to be angry at the girl about it, but after what he had heard, he couldn't.

"I didn't think it was necessary... My brothers never allowed their children to attend Hogwarts. And since just someone who could speak parsel was able to enter and use her..."

"What about... Him?" Dean pressed the issue.

"Tom? I guess... I let it be. I was wrong, I know. But he was just scaring them, like they scared him. Then... Myrtle was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He stopped after it happened so... ", she couldn't bring herself to continue; allowing the Chamber to open twice was something she couldn't forgive herself.

The mention of Myrtle made Dean remember something. "You say you can't cry, but Myrtle does cry..."

The subject changed and Adele couldn't help but chuckle, silently thanking Dean for it. "She pretends to cry, but I can assure you, she can't. We can't cry, or bleed."

Adele raised her hand and placed it against the wall, going through it. "We are just our magic, or more like it... a shadow of it. With all our memories..." she drew her hand back. "You would be surprised how long it took me to get used to it."

"Why we don't know about you...as a ghost I mean." He asked finally.

She thought for a moment before answering. "The first years I spent as a ghost I wasn't... visible? Corporeal? I don't know how to explain it... I wandered, around my father, my brothers... maybe they would feel me and I could... Apologize... ask them to forgive... But, I couldn't. After their grandchildren became parents I decided to move here."

"At some point I became corporeal but I was so used to not be seen that I decided to keep it that way. I managed to be informed about everything that was going on... and time just passed..."

She glided towards Dean, locking her gaze with his.

"I should have done it."

"What?" Dean asked, confused.


He kept quiet. He didn't have words for that.

"Then probably you wouldn't want to." 

Pride Tears | Dean ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now