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"Daddy?" Olivia mumbled.

"Yes baby?" Francis cooed.

"Are we home yet?"

"No. We will be soon though"

"Haitlin?" she asked.

"Yes," I managed to choke out. My tears had finally subsided.

"Are you staying?" I didn't know how to answer.

"Yes, Haitlin is staying with us," Francis began, "this will be her new home."

At that, I started freaking out, internally. New home? How long does he expect me to stay with them, until he got bored with me, or forever?

I tried calming myself down. At least he wasn't going to kill me, hopefully. Olivia is so innocent that I could use her as protection from him. I hated the idea of using a young child to keep myself safe, but this wasn't just an average situation!

"Haitlin?" Olivia piped up again. When I didn't answer, Francis gave me a look that sent a shiver went down my spine.

"Yes honey?" I replied.

"When we get home can you read me a bedtime story? Daddy does it, but he doesn't know how to get the princess's voices right!"

I had a grim smile on my face, but tried to not to look so terrified. I couldn't even look back at the girl.

"Maybe she can read to you another night. Haitlin needs some time to settle in before she can read you bedtime stories," Francis answered for me.

I was glad he didn't obligate me to read her a story, but at the same time I wondered why. If it got me away from him,  I wouldn't mind.

"How about you go back to sleep now," he told Olivia.

"No, I want to show Haitlin my stuffed animals! What's your favorite animal?" she directed the question towards me.

"I-I don't know, maybe an elephant?" At that simple question from a five year old, my mind forgot every single animal; I don't even like elephants.

"No. I like unicorns. They are so pretty!" she squealed.

"Olivia, how about you go back to bed? You can show her all your toys and stuffed animals in the morning," Francis announced.

"No Daddy!" she pronounced. No seemed to be her favorite word.

"Olivia-" Francis clenched the steering wheel again.

He scared me so much when he did that. I didn't think he would hurt his precious daughter, but I didn't want to find out.

"Olivia honey, maybe you should listen to your dad. We will have plenty of time tomorrow, Okay?" I said.

I took two child care classes, so I know how to deal with most young children. Don't get me wrong; I was scared out of my wits to be talking out of turn. It was easier to speak to her though, than to him.

"Okay," she whispered and laid her head back down. She fell asleep within moments.

Francis turned his head toward me and caught my eye. He smiled at me and looked impressed. I turned away at his gleaming, white teeth. His perfect teeth.

This time I didn't look at the window. I didn't want to know if his eyes were still wandering on my figure, disgusting. Instead, I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the head restraint, with the truck still rumbling down the winding path.

Eventually, I decided I had to know where I was going. I opened my eyes and looked out the windshield. I had no idea where we were, since I had never been out this far. At least the rain had stopped.

Sadistically Sweet (Watty Awards Finalist 2012)Where stories live. Discover now