My Kidnapper's Daughter

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A/N: Thank you to Simcool for the song suggestion on the side. :)


In my world of darkness, everything was calm. All my worries were washed away, and I finally felt at peace. Nothing hurt anymore, and my fear had evaporated. In all my life, I don't think I ever felt this serene. It was like everything bad was taken away, and I was only left with happiness.

Yet, I couldn't help but feel incomplete. My life wasn't supposed to end that way. If I died this way then my life would be for nothing. Everything I had ever done would be completely and utterly useless. If I died, what would I leave to represent my life? The answer was nothing.

No, I couldn't die now. I won't die now. I still had a long life ahead of me, and I was determined to fight for it. Nothing would stop me from living my life to the fullest; not even death. Not even a sadistic Francis. I would have my life.

In an instant, the black cleared and pain rushed up my body. Instinctively, I rolled over and spewed the water from my lungs. I took in several deep, painful breaths of glorious air. The feeling of it filling my lungs was wonderful, even if my lungs screamed in pain. 

Suddenly, my body began convulsing in shock. Almost drowning really took a toll on my body, and it didn't help I was probably at risk of hypothermia. The transition from the frigid water to the chilly air was only hindering my recovery.

I think I blacked out, because the next thing I knew I was being cradled in Francis's arms. I couldn't make out his words but I saw his lips muttering something. A few tears slipped from his eyes and buried themselves in his beard. It was such a strange sight to see this intimidating man cry; it actually looked like he cared.

Regaining a little more consciousness, my senses began to return. I felt how my cold, limp body was encased in Francis's warmth. While I didn't approve of him touching me, I still knew I need the warmth. Without it I might die. 

I started coughing, with each and every one feeling like it was ripping my lungs apart. Francis repositioned me so I could release the last traces of water in my lungs. Once I was done, he pulled me back into his chest. This time, I could hear his word.

"I'm so sorry honey; I will never let this happen again. I'm so sorry, don't leave me. Olivia and I still need you. You can't go yet," he pled.

Like his words were the thing that would keep me on this Earth. No, I had my own reasons to stay, and he was not one of them.

His words did freak me out though. It was like he was spilling his heart's contents out; and no one cared. He may have saved me, but that didn't change anything; he was still a kidnapper. He was still my kidnapper.

"Sugar, please say something," Francis urged.

I would if I could. My throat was raw from the cold water that had rushed down it, gagging, and all the bruises. It was simply too tough of a task to complete; not now, at least. If I could talk, I would probably ask where Olivia was. As far as I could see, we were still by the pond and Olivia was nowhere to be seen. 

It may be weird, but I felt some worry for her. I really shouldn't be so attached to her; she is my kidnapper's daughter, after all. Yet, for some reason I was. I didn't know if it was because of her innocence and the fact she was so young or the fact that I am naturally an overprotective person. 

I didn't get much more time to ponder the thought though, because my world suddenly went black again. This time, it was a sort of lulled sleep; the kind where you can never be too sure if you are awake or asleep. I could barely tell the difference between what was real and what were simply hallucinations.

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