Chapter Six

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Dylan stayed true to his word. We never mentioned the party and we acted as though nothing had happened. Dylan, Mitch and Sally started sitting with us at lunch. I could see why Mitch and Dylan got along so well; they both had the same laid-back attitude and Mitch had a wicked sense of humour. Dylan had told me that only me, his family, Sally and Mitch knew he was gay, and if Dylan’s sexual preferences bothered Mitch it didn’t show.

Unfortunately for me, word had got out about me rejecting Kelly again at Sam’s party. The week went by, and everything was going okay. That was until Kelly came up to our table on Friday during lunch.

I was sat between Sam and Dylan, laughing as Cam tried to defend himself against Mitch’s accusations that Cam straightened his hair. Mitch was clearly winding him up, but Cam was still to notice.

It wasn’t till Matt’s laughter cut off and his gaze went to behind me that I realised my luck had ran out. Cam followed Matt’s gaze, momentarily forgetting the argument about his unnaturally straight hair, and gave a low whistle.

“Ex alert,” he said in a low voice.

I turned around, and sure enough Kelly was on her way over to our table.

“Shit,” I muttered. So much for everything being okay. I turned back around and continued to eat my lunch. Maybe if I didn’t notice her, she would go away. I could feel her presence behind me, and my friends were staring, there gaze going back and forth between myself and Kelly. She cleared her throat and my happiness vanished to the deepest pits of hell.

“Oh, hey Kelly,” I said, trying to act surprised to see her. Cam snickered.

She pushed her shoulders back, actually flipped her hair over her shoulder, and cleared her throat again. “Can I please talk to you... alone?”

Fuck. I was not in the mood for this.

“Sure,” I replied, standing up out of my chair while my so called friends just sat there and stared like they were at the zoo. At this point, I think everyone was staring. I tried to ignore them and I followed Kelly to the window at the edge of the lunch hall.

“What’s up?” I was met with a pissed of look. Oh boy, Kelly doesn’t get pissed of often. She straightened her back and looked me straight in the eye.

“Alec, I’m sorry to have to say this but I don’t think things are going to work out between us.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

“I can’t deal with you picking and choosing when you want me and I won’t be made a fool out of-“

“Are you being serious right now?” I cut her off. Was she actually trying to break up with me when I had already broken up with her?

Kelly looked startled at my interruption, but the expression quickly went from shocked to angry.

“Yes, Alec. I am serious. Did you really think I would put up with the way you have been treating me?”

I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. I caught my friends and half of the lunch hall staring at us as I tried to get myself under control.

“Kelly, what I mean is; are you seriously trying to break up with me when I already broke up with you?”

I nearly started laughing when I saw the look on her face.

“What about Friday?”

“Friday? Kelly, you kissed me and I left. Sorry if pushing you away and leaving was some sort of sign that I wanted to get back together.”

Okay, I admit it. Now was probably not the time for my sarcastic sense of humour to make an appearance. I was on the verge of acting like a complete dick but I couldn’t believe that after one drunken kiss on Friday night she thought we had somehow gotten back together. I looked at Kelly, and I saw the vulnerable, innocent girl I had first met and I felt sorry for her. I was on the verge of apologising when the expression on Kelly’s face morphed into one I was used to seeing on most of the other girls I knew; snobby high school bitch face.

“Alec, you’re such a dick head. I’ve tried being nice and patient and understanding, but you really are just pathetic. It’s not my fault you think you’re so much better than everyone else. And by the way, you’re shit in bed.” And then she kneed me in the balls and walked away. I was too shocked to even think about trying calling out to her, and the pain between my legs was bad enough to make me sink to my knees.

“Shit,” I cursed. I never took Kelly to be a crazy bitch, but I guess looks can be deceiving.  I was aware of Cam applauding and yelling ‘nicely handled’ while the rest of my friends tried to hold in their laughter.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took deep breaths, willing the pain to go away. It’s times like these when I envy the female body.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and opened my eyes to see an amused looking Dylan crouched in front on me.

“Here,” he said, and offered me his hand and pulled me to my feet. He let go of my hand and placed his hand on my back between my shoulder blades, guiding me back to the table as I slowly shuffled back to my laughing friends. Dylan and I sat back down and he removed his hand, robbing me of its warmth.

“What on earth did you say her to get kneed in the balls?” joked Sam. I took a quick drink and looked at the eager faces waiting to hear the story.

“She tried to break up with me, then I started laughing and she had a bitchy rant about how I think I’m better than everyone else and that I’m shit in bed. Then she took her frustration out on my balls.”

My friends just looked at me and then all burst out laughing again. I turned to look at Dylan, who was shaking his head, a grin on his face.

“I thought you already broke up with her?” said Matt.

“I had! That’s why I couldn’t stop laughing! I couldn’t believe what she was saying. I felt kind of bad for her until she bitched out on me.”

The rest of lunch went by smoothly and we headed to our afternoon classes in a giddy mood after the ridiculous drama at lunch. At the end of the day we all met up in the car park; Dylan, Sam, Matt joined by Elle, Cam, Mitch and Sally, and myself.  Our little group had grown, and Elle seemed a lot happier hanging around us guys with Sally around. Her and Sally were having a conversation while Matt and Mitch stood by, along with Dylan watching Cam and Sam wrestle with each other in the car park.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“To be honest, we have no idea,” replied Mitch.

“One minute they were talking, the next,” Matt gestured at the scuffle before us. We let it go on for a few more minutes before we broke it up. After that we all said our goodbyes for the weekend and I got in Sam’s car and we drove home.

Sam dropped me off and I made my way inside.

“Home,” I called out before heading up the stairs. I dumped my school bag and collapsed on the bed. Thank God it’s Friday.

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