Chapter Thirty-Five

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There are not many moments in my life where I’ve felt like a complete and utter idiot, but this was definitely one of them.

“What happened to your face?”

“Car crash.”

I am an idiot. A complete and utter moron. How could I not put the pieces together? Damn it! No wonder Dylan looked angry. Shit, Dylan!

I turned away from where I had just watched Jayme leave the school and searched through the crowd for Dylan. He was still stood where I had now seen him, but now his expression was blank and that made me panic. Was he mad? Was he mad at me or Jayme?

“Hey Alec-“my friends had arrived, but I ignored Matt and pushed past them all and headed towards Dylan.

I made my way through the crowd, heading for the bottom of the steps where he was stood. When I got to him, he didn’t even look down at me, he was still looking at the gates.

“Dylan... Hey, Dylan... Would you look at me? Dylan!” I took his face in both of my hands and made him look at me. He blinked a few times before his eyes focused on my face.


“Dylan, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was him, I’m really sorry. I should have known it was him, and I feel like such an idiot-“

Dylan cut me off and pulled me into a hug, and I returned it with equal force. I didn’t care that we were stood right in front of the school and that people were probably staring at us. My boyfriend was hurt or mad or God knows what right now, and if he needed to hug me then I damn well wasn’t going to stop him.

He loosened his hold on me and I slowly pulled back and rested my hands on his arms.

“Are you okay?” I asked him softly. His eyes were screwed shut and his fists were clenched at his sides. I knew that he wasn’t okay, but I needed to hear it from him.

“No, but I don’t know how I feel. Can we go to mine and talk?”

“Sure,”  I said, rubbing his arm. He took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes.

“Can I meet you at my car?”


“Oh wait- shit! I need to drop Mitch and Sally off first-“

“It’s fine; I’ll get Sam to drop them off. I’ll meet you at the car.”

 I went over to where my friends-now joined by Mitch and Sally-were stood, and not so subtly watching us.

“What was that about?” asked Mitch.

“Jayme. He was here. I’m going back to Dylan’s with him now. Sam, would you be able to drop Mitch and Sally off.”

“Yeah sure. Text me if you need anything.”

I said goodbye to everyone and made my way over to Dylan’s car. I was stopped halfway by Mitch.

“Alec, what do you mean Jayme was here?”

“He was stood talking to me after school, I didn’t realise it was him, and when Dylan saw him he just froze.”

Mitch nodded. “Okay. If anything is wrong, just give me a phone okay? I haven’t seen that look on Dylan’s face in a long time.”

“I will do.”

When I got to the car it was already started and Dylan was sitting patiently behind the wheel. I quickly got in and Dylan wasted no time before setting off. I decided not to talk to him while he was driving; he seemed calm at the moment so I stayed quiet.

When we got to his place I followed him in and into the kitchen. There was a note on the counter saying that his mum and Sophie were out shopping, and I was thankful that we had the place alone to talk.

I watched as Dylan paced around the kitchen before slumping down against the wall to the floor and putting his head in his hands. I went and sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around him, letting him lean into my side.

I didn’t say anything. He needed to talk and I was going to wait until he was ready. We sat like that for ten minutes before he spoke.

“I hate him. I was so pissed off when he phoned that day at the cabin, I thought he was going to ruin everything. But he didn’t, and things were going so well... and now he just shows up at school, talking to you and I just...”

“I saw him before today, when I was out with mum and Luke. I should have known it was him and told him to stay away, but it never even crossed my mind that I’d ever meet him. Then he shows up today and... I feel like an idiot,” I confessed.

“Alec, I don’t know what he wants and I want nothing to do with him. When I saw him talking to you, I felt so angry and jealous-“

“Hey,” I said, pulling away and making him look up at me. His eyes were red, as if he wanted to cry but wouldn’t let the tears fall. “You have absolutely nothing to be jealous of. If I see him again, or if he talks to me I’ll let you know, okay. But I hate what he did to you and I hate the way he makes you feel. I want nothing to do with him, okay?”

Dylan smiled at me and leaned his head against mine.  “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” I replied, and then I leaned in and kissed him.

I knew I didn’t know the whole story about what happened between Dylan and Jayme, I didn’t know what happened that could make Dylan hate him so much. I also noticed that Jayme brought out another side to Dylan that I didn’t know.

Dylan pulled away and then groaned, and I turned around to see Sophie standing there pointing at us both.

“BOYS, KEEP IT PG PLEASE!” called Jane from down the hall.

I laughed and Dylan soon joined in before standing up and chasing Sophie back down the hall. I got up just as Jane came into the kitchen with her arms filled with bags. She dumped them on the counter before turning to me.


“DYLAN DO NOT CALL YOUR SISTER A TURD! Hello Alec, how are you?”
“I’m good, you?”

“Not bad,” she replied as Dylan came back into the kitchen with Sophie wrapped around his leg.

“Are you staying for dinner Alec?” asked Jane.

“No, I’m good thank you. I had better get home. It was nice seeing you!”

“You too.”

I made my way to leave and Dylan tried to follow, but Sophie was still clinging onto his leg.

“Sophie, would you please detach yourself from my body?”

“Why yes good sir, since you asked so politely.”

Do I have to remind you that she is six? What a strange child.

“You okay?” I asked before opening the door.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

“Call me if you need anything.”

“I will.”

He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before a shouted goodbye again and set off home, my Jayme radar on high alert.

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