Chapter Twenty

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Dylan and I walked back to the cabin; hand in hand, neither of us saying a word.  It was nice, familiar even, to feel the warmth of his hand in mine.  With that physical familiarity I also felt closer to him emotionally. He trusted me. He trusted me enough to break down and cry in front of me, to tell me about Jayme and let me comfort him. That was a lot of responsibility, but I welcomed the closeness of someone, something I never had with my previous girlfriends.

Dylan let go of my hand as we neared the cabin; the unspoken understanding that I was grateful for. Although Sam and Sally might know of mine and Dylan's close relationship, I wasn’t quite ready to tell everyone else yet; I’d only just come to terms with it myself.

We walked back in to see Sam and Cam still playing the Xbox; Cam still losing by the sounds of protest he was making. They never gave us a second glance as we both sat down on the opposite couch. Dylan’s shoulder touched mine and I had to resist the urge to tangle my fingers in his.

“Have you heard from the others?” I asked as Cam got ate by zombie. Again.

“Yeah, they’ll be back in time for dinner. Cam and I are going to head out and get fish ‘n’ chips since the take out place is in the opposite direction from where they are. We should all be back around seven-ish. You wanna come with?”

“No I’m good-“


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Cameron in a competitive mood.

“Okay,” started Sam, slowly moving away from Cam who was jerking his controller all over the place, “Well I guess we’d better head. If Cam gets killed one more time I think it will destroy his ego.”

Sam stood up and turned the consol off, resulting in Cam throwing his hands up in the air.

“What the fuck man? I was on a roll!”

“Yeah yeah, that bitch was totally way to eat your ass.”

My phone vibrated, telling me that my battery was low. I stood up and made my way towards the bedroom.

“See you in about an hour and a half!” called Sam, dragging Cam out the door behind him.

I went into the bedroom and rummaged around in my bag until I found my charger. For whatever strange reason the nearest plug socket was under my bed, so I army-crawled under the bed and plugged it in.

“What are you doing?” asked Dylan. I looked back from under the bed and saw Dylan's upside-down head staring back. His hair was nearly touching the floor.

“Putting my phone on charge,” I said, shimmying back out.

Dylan was lying on his stomach, and he rolled over onto his back when I stood up. I slouched down on the bed, my back against the wall. Dylan was looking up at me, knees raised and his hands resting behind his head.

“What?” I asked.

He shrugged and pulled a stupid, highly unattractive face expression before sitting up. We were now facing each other, and he was still staring at me. I raised my eyebrows at him in question and then he leaned in and kissed me.

Kiss is such a simple word, such a simple action. However, when placed after words such as passionate, lustful, consuming, earth-shattering... that’s the kiss I was experiencing right now.

I sat up straight as Dylan cupped my face and moved his lips against mine. I opened my mouth and his taste consumed me. My hands travelled down his arms, his chest, his abdomen, and rested on his hips. My hands trailed under his t shirt, skimming lightly over his smooth skin.

Dylan broke the kiss, both of us gasping, and took a hold of the bottom of my shirt. He looked at me, eyes filled with lust, asking my permission. I answered by raising my arms, and Dylan pulled my shirt up and over my head. His quickly followed suit.

Instead of launching himself back at me, Dylan closed his eyes and leaned in slowly, his lips brushing mine. His lips travelled along my jaw, and down my neck. I arched my head back, my arms clutching his back, his resting on my shoulders.

He gently pushed me to the side, allowing me to lie down, Dylan hovering over me. His lips trailed back up my neck and his mouth found mine. I tangled my fingers is his hair as our tongues danced. My nerves were on fire; every touch sent a spark through me, my body on high alert.

When Dylan chose to grind down on me, and I felt that he was as turned on as I was, I groaned into his mouth.  Dylan broke away and looked down at me. His lips were swollen, his face was flushed, and I can’t remember a time where I was more turned on than I was right now.

“You can tell me to stop at any time, okay?” he asked breathlessly. I nodded, and Dylan flashed me a smiled before leaning down and kissing me again. 

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