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The morning rush was always Aria's favorite at The Café. Men and women talking loudly into their Bluetooth speakers while pointing to which ever coffee they wanted and for that brief moment that they actually do meet her eyes she always smiles. Sometimes it catches them off guard and they leave with a puzzled look on their faces while other times they shoot her a nervous smile before leaving – that's the moment she likes.

The Café was a quaint little place around the corner from a busy street. Many might not even know it was there since it didn't have large bold letters hanging above it and it wasn't yet another hipster café – but for those who did notice they always came back for a second time...and a third, fourth and fifth.

Ever since Aria turned 12 years old she woke up at the crack of dawn to follow her mother to the café where she baked everything fresh while Aria finessed the perfectly made coffee. Now as a senior in high school she still followed the same routine, but this summer was her last.

"Honey you'd better go if you want to make it on time for class." Her mother Catherine said while serving the last of the morning rushers.

Aria brushed her thick almond colored hair to the side and gave her mod a nod with a bright smile. Her mother said the same thing every time and every single time Aria waited for an extra 10 minutes before leaving. Catherine didn't know this but Aria was waiting for someone; although she didn't know the person she had become quite excited to hear the bell ring over the door and see the mysterious person walk in, always with a frown. One of these days she was going to turn that frown upside down.

Right on queue the little cowbell over the door rang loudly as he stepped inside the place. His strawberry blonde hair perfectly shaped and his beard trimmed neatly. He was wearing that baby blue shirt under his dark navy suit with a tie equally as dark; in other words he looked dashing. Aria felt her heart pick up the phase as she blew her hair out of her face once again and wiped her hands on the flowery apron.

"Hello you, what can I get for you today?" She served him up her best smile.

He pretended to browse the counter but she knew what he'd be getting, because he got the same order every day. He always got a double shot Espresso and one of her mother's caramel biscuits and if the biscuits were out he'd have a chocolate chip cookie – but he never really looked quite satisfied after it, always so deadest on following the routine.

"Let's go with the double espresso and the caramel biscuit, thank you—and make it to go." He answered without sparing her a look.

"Don't worry, sir, I know your order by heart now." She joked while preparing his coffee.

"So why did you pretend that you didn't?"

Aria stopped moving and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. It was a harmless joke but of course he'd take it the wrong way – anything to keep that frown in place. He was so hard to get to, this man, and still she didn't know his name. The best way to fight a frown was with a smile, so that's what she did.

I didn't—I mean I did but it wasn't supposed to have been taking seriously. I was only joking!" Aria responded and gave him his coffee along with the biscuit.

For the first time he looked at her, with those piercing blue eyes and chiseled chin and Aria wanted to melt into the ground. Why did he have to be so disgustingly handsome and especially when he'd just been so rude? Women probably fell over trying to win his attention and affection and if given the chance Aria would probably do the same.

"Thank you, Miss." Was all he said before he walked out of the door to wherever he was going.

"Who was that?" Catherine asked after coming back from the kitchen.

Aria stared at the door before realizing she had to get going to school. The apron was neatly hung up on the golden nail on the wall, she gave herself a one-look-over in the mirror and then kissed her mother's cheek like she did every day.

"I'm not quite sure who he is, but I intend to find out."

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