26|what if

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Prom was just around the corner now, at the end of the week there would be no more school and an entire summer to prepare for a bright future - it's just a shame that Aria wasn't all that excited about it yet. Without having spoken to Tom for quite some time and then receiving that late night text from him didn't fix the problem between them, because there was a problem. She felt punished for their latest embrace and what it could've turned into when he she could tell he was feeling it too. Since revealing the identity of her crush to her mother their dynamic had been a bit odd but after being offered a ride to school this morning Aria knew they had to clear the air and it seemed Catherine was feeling the same way.

"Listen honey; we should probably talk about what we spoke about last night." Catherine opened the conversation softly.

"I told you there was nothing to worry about, he doesn't see me in that way and has made it rather clear--" Aria explained again.

"You did tell me that he cares about you and that things would be different between you if, and I'm assuming here, you were older." Catherine pressed on in a concerning voice. 

"Even if he cares for me his decision won't change," it hurt her to say, "he doesn't want to be with me mom." 

The conversation quickly died after that as mother and daughter were struggling to continue. Aria could see her mother was disturbed by her daughter's feelings but Aria wasn't going to apologize for them, she was 18 years old and this was perfectly legal. 

"I know you're disappointed that your feelings aren't reciprocated but if you ask me it's for the best," Catherine broke the silence, "you have your whole life ahead of you and college to look forward to, he probably doesn't want to get in the way of that. One day you'll thank him for keeping his distance, it might be a while until then but you will." 

"But what if he's the one, mom? Am I suppose to miss out on that chance because I haven't graduated high school yet? Perhaps he is the one left regretting deciding not to be with me." Aria exclaimed and decided to argue her case.

Catherine shook her head firmly to dispute Aria's statement. It was clear that Catherine was sticking with her opinion no matter what was in her daughter's heart. Aria couldn't stay angry at her mother knowing that she only felt this way because Aria was her child, instead she focused her anger toward Tom. 

"You are only eighteen years old, Aria, the one who you're meant to be with hasn't showed up yet. May I ask; have you seen him much since I stripped you off your morning shift?" Catherine asked her.

Aria winced as she was about to tell another lie, "Not really,we've run into each other a few times but that's it." 

"Good. Please focus on your college experience and getting your education sorted, Aria. Love will come in due time but it doesn't work to rush it along, especially when you're still so young." Catherine said and smiled at her.

Aria didn't agree with what had been said but accepted it regardless. Lately she'd been receiving plenty advice about Tom and it was all a bit overwhelming now. The best advice given to her had come from Rebecca who had told her to tell Tom her truth before leaving for college and for now that's what she was leaning to - that was if he was truly going to show up today. 

"I don't want to talk about this anymore, it's making me sad." Aria mumbled and looked out of the window. 

Catherine thankfully obliged Aria's order and turned on the morning radio where two women were discussing motherhood. Aria could hear them talking in the background but kept her focus inward, on Tom. It felt strange to prepare for such an unpleasant conversation that seemed to be turning more into a goodbye than anything else, but it was going to happen regardless of how she felt. He had been right about one thing though; she did indeed miss him.

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