03|curiosity killed the cat

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Despite the rain pouring down rapidly that next morning Aria was up before her alarm had rung and was inspecting her clothes. Although she had no intentions being visible when he'd arrive this morning she wanted to look her best. She was reminded by Julie's comment about using her body once she picked up a black sweater-dress that was rather short, she'd look amazing in it but her mother would never let her wear that to the café. Finally she settled on a matching polka dotted skirt and blouse before grabbing her backpack and running downstairs.

"Business might not pick up this morning if this rain is going to keep pouring down like this. It'll probably pick up around lunch time." Catherine stated once they were ready to open up.

Aria feared the same and wondered if she'd even get to see the look on his face once he saw that she wasn't there to serve him that morning. Sometimes she felt ashamed over thinking about a man so much when there was so many other important things to occupy her. She had college, the future and this summer to think about but instead her thoughts were consumed by this man who refused to give her his name - it was pathetic. Never the less she still hoped he'd arrive as usual...the clock was ticking away.

"You were right, mom, business has been kind of slow this morning." Aria stated during the morning rush.

"Who would think we'd have rain like this in the summer, huh? Oh well, let's hope for a break during lunch time. Anyway; you should get going." Catherine gave her an obvious look before hinting to the clock behind them.

Aria smiled and shrugged as she took off her apron. In a few minutes he would enter and she would watch him from the little utility closet next to the kitchen door. Her heart picked up speed when she believed she spotted him from outside and she slipped behind the door with her breath caught in her throat.

"Good morning sir," Catherine greeted, "how can I help you?"

"Uh, isn't your--never mind, a double shot espresso and a caramel biscuit please." He said confusingly.

Catherine hummed to herself while she made his coffee and Aria covered her mouth with her hand from chuckling. She couldn't believe it! He seemed rattled without her presence there; maybe it was wrong to assume but dared she think that he missed her?

"Where you looking for my daughter? I believe I've seen you before--" Catherine asked him curiously. She had that motherly tone filled with concern but in the nicest possible way; she just wanted to look out for her daughter.

"No I wasn't looking for her. It's just that she usually serves me when I come here--thank you ma'am." A nervous voice said before the cowbell could be heard again when he left.

Aria knew she owed her friends a favor after this because the advice seemed to have worked. Obviously it didn't mean much but it was still a small victory for her seeing as he'd been so rude to her; perhaps it would even teach him a lesson. She scurried out and inhaled the fresh air from the café but only planned on disappearing through the door, if her mother hadn't stopped her first.

"Hold on there, little lady," Catherine said with a stern tone, "Would you like to tell me who the gentleman, that was just here, was?"

"He's one of our regulars, mom. It's not like we're dating or something!" Aria answered and chuckled nervously.

"No one said anything about dating but now that you have my concerns are raised. You aren't being--sexually active are you?" Catherine's cheek blossomed red but they were no comparison to Aria's.

The duo were close but like any teenager she had her secrets and her 'first time' were one of her secrets. Instead of answering she clammed up intensely and felt exposed as if she'd been open on a surgical table. Catherine's gentle eyes watched her but Aria wouldn't buckle; this conversation was better suited for another time - perhaps never.

"I have to go mom, I-I'm going to be late for school. Bye." Her palms slid off the handle a few times before she managed to escape.


"Did our little plan work on your crush?" Julie asked as they headed from biology to lunch. They stopped outside of Maya's classroom to wait for their friend.

"Yes it did actually; although all it really earned me was my mother asking me if I'm having sex." Aria cringed even thinking about it.

"Well...have you had any sex lately? I mean since Bobby--" Julia began asking but Aria instantly cut her off and looked around to see if anyone had heard.

"Please don't talk about Bobby out loud! If anyone hears of it I'll die of embarrassment. But to answer your question; no I haven't." Aria dabbed her cheeks with her shaking hands and hoped they weren't blood red.

"Then there is nothing to be ashamed about--look there is Maya, now we can finally eat." Julie was easily distracted which Aria was forever grateful for.

Since the rain were pouring down Maya, Julie and Aria decided to eat in the cafeteria for once. With the echoing sound of kids having loud conversations Aria sat in silence and pretended to listen to her friends. Her mind wandered between college and the man from the café. She wondered if she'd laugh at her crush once she got to college and fell for the first clever boy she'd meet there or perhaps she'd still long to be serving coffee to a man she didn't even know. There was something about the way he made her feel when he graced her with one of his looks, something no other high school boy had been able to make her feel before. If only she could know what it was.

"Oh my God, why is Bobby coming over here?" Maya said and put her apple down on her tray to inspect Bobby Townsend's rapid walk toward them.

Aria hoped he wasn't coming over to talk about the past because she'd refuse to discuss it. She desperately tried to get comfortable in a very un-bothered position but she ended up looking far more uncomfortable than before.

"Hello there ladies, how are we today?" Bobby asked them with a cheerful tone while keeping his left hand behind his back.

Aria couldn't focus on anything but the secret he was keeping and she tried to get a quick glance, but Bobby noticed it and positioned himself so she couldn't see.

"How come you dared to cross the cafeteria to the lion's den, Bobby? You must have a death wish." Julie hissed at him and all the ladies followed suit.

It wasn't a secret that Julie and Maya were protective of Aria. Since the incident with Bobby, Aria had closed herself off from the opposite gender and they had helped her get her confidence back - they also kept Bobby far away from her. Until now.

"Why don't you sneak out of the zoo for a little and come to my party tonight? My parents are gone for the weekend and I've hired a DJ." Bobby passed the flyers out and locked out with Aria when he gave her one. "It'll be great if you came." He directed the last sentence at her.

Soon enough Bobby had moved on to other tables while Aria was still clutching the flyer in her hand. Did he have ulterior motive as to why he invited her or was he actually trying to be nice? If he thought that they would kiss or do anything more than that he was sorely mistaken, but she was indeed planning on going. Curiosity killed the cat.

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