23- A new life

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(Fuck I forgot to add the title somebody pls shoot me)
Hello Everyone!

I just thought I needed to clarify, I am a boy, and I use he/him pronouns. I've been getting misgendered on here a lot lately, and its starting to get to me.

If you could address me as a boy, that would be great!

Also I drew Tubbo so I put him up at the top :D


--Izuku POV--

The small girl in my arms hums as she twists her hair around her fingers. It's really hot out today, and I don't have a doubt that Eri is just as hot as I am in these clothes.

I'll try to find us a cool place to rest, so we don't overheat while hiding our identities. I walk for about half a mile, until we come to a secluded park.

I sit down under a tree, which is next to a lake. I set Eri down gently next to me and help her take off her sweatshirt.

"Better?" I ask. She rubs the bandages on her arms.

"Yeah, I was really hot." She reply's. I reach up and pull off my own sweatshirt and set it down next to me. I pull the bag I've been carrying around off of my back.

I reach inside it and pull out 2 water bottles. I hand one to Eri, which she gladly takes from me. I twist the cap open, and chug half the bottle in a few seconds. I look over at Eri and see her trying to open the bottle, but she's not strong enough.

"Want some help?" I ask her. She quickly nods, a little embarrassed she had to ask for help. I smile at her, and twist the cap off.

I hand it back to her and she also begins to chug it. We got the escape plan out of the way, but now we need to figure out the next step. How is a scrawny little 13 year old and a 4 year old going to survive on the streets?

We could always go to the police, but then again I blew up Tatooin station. And it would be incredibly easy for Overhaul to find us if we were put into the system, or sent back to my mom.

I have to keep everybody safe. Even if that means giving up everything I've ever cared for.

—Hitoshi POV—

I gasp and burst upright in bed. I clutch my head. Another nightmare.

Whatever has been going on with my body lately it's very strange. I've been able to sleep easily, but I have these weird dreams. It's almost like... an entirely different life. I can only remember it clearly for the first 5 seconds after I wake up, and then everything goes blank. My memory completely wiped.

I did try to start this thing called a dream journal, to help me remember, but I can barely write anything down before my memory gets 'reset'.

I pick up the journal. I forgot to use it today. It's not like it's actually been helping at all though. I only have a little bit written down.

'Green haired boy. Torture. K...go. UA. Work study. Pain.'

The only words I've managed to write down before I blank. I've been trying to make sense of what I'm reading, but none of them connect.

I don't know anybody with green hair. And torture??? Why would I know anything about torture? I'm not crazy... I think. Also I think I tried to write a name down really fast. The only things I can make out of it are the first letter and the very end. Kinda weird, not gonna lie. Then there's UA, my dream school. Something called a work study? And pain. Straight forward.

But none of those things connect? Like what the heck am I supposed to make out of that??? I wonder if I'm just so lonely I dreamt up a whole world... with pain.


Why is my brain so weird?

- - -

(Throwback to right after Zuku and Eri escaped)

—Overhaul POV—

I can only sit in my office, trembling with rage. A paper note written in my hand. I keep finding myself reading over it, again and again.

How did he know?

How did he pull it off?!

And how the FUCK did I get outsmarted by a 13 year old?!?!

I look down at the note once more.

' Dear Overhaul,

Sorry about that. I didn't really feel like letting you kill my mom again. Eri also isn't going to get hurt by you anymore. Your workers are really easy to manipulate. Guess that's another thing I learned that from you! I won't let you touch us. It's not nice to torture a couple of innocent kids, yknow? Also don't even bother looking for us. I won't let you take us back.

I don't want to be apart of your drug factory pyramid scheme. And how do I know all this? Well I'm not going to tell you, your a child abuser, have fun being paranoid. Also fuck you. And burn in hell.

Sincerely, Izuku Midoriya'

How the hell did he know all that!? And the word choice he used-, again? He's never even seen me before, I've never even laid a finger on him. Well I was planning on it, but things obviously didn't go as originally planned.

While this whole letter may be confusing, there's only one thing I know for sure. I will be taking them back.

I don't care if it goes smoothly or not, it will happen.

Maybe, in a way, this is a good thing. I can take the time to make a foolproof plan so that he'll never be able to get ahead of me again.

I'll make him regret every single day he spends out on those streets.

He's left my greatest asset completely accessible.

Just because I didn't kill your mom today, doesn't mean she's safe. You'll learn that soon enough.

- - -

That was a really short chapter, but maybe it was kind of interesting?

Anyways my mental health has hit rock bottom twice in the span of two weeks. Writing is literally the only healthy coping I'm doing, but even then it's not super good, cause I've been writing nonstop.

I wrote a few chapters for an unpublished fanfic, would you guys want to read it? It's a vigilante au, but it's also different than your stereotypical one.

I'll post it, but only if u guys would actually be interested. I can write more about it in the comments if you ask.

And yeahhhhh

As always, Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day!

Words: 1106

The "Quirkless" Boy (Dadzawa)Where stories live. Discover now