1 - The Pain He Felt That Day

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             "Something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong."


Izuku POV:

 I woke up earlier than usual due to a dull pain in my head. I reached up and rubbed my temples unsure of how I was feeling. It was the middle of the 7th grade school year, so if I was late to school there would be no excuse. I lifted the blankets off of me and stood up stretching my arms to the sky. I couldn't smell breakfast yet so I assumed my mother most still be asleep. 

I made my way into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from eyes, ready to start my day. I felt really out of it, and reached for the cereal box on the counter. In that instant, a sense of dread had washed over everything. I sat there confused for a second, unsure what this feeling is. I attempt to ignore it, but it's hard to make it go away.

I heard the click of a door opening, and turned around to see my mother walking out of her room. I smiled and said,

"Good Morning Mom! How was your sleep?"

She smiled back at me and said, "My sleep was good baby, are you almost ready for School?"

I nodded and went back to eating my cereal. My head still hurt and the strange dread was still covering everything. I decided to just brush it off, knowing it was probably me just paranoid about being bullied by Kacchan and his crew again. I sighed and stood up to put my dish in the sink.

I then went over to my mom, gave her a hug and told her that it's time for me to leave. I get my homework off the counter, along with my lunch and start heading towards the door.

"Bye Hunny! Have a good day at school! I love you!" She says before going back into her room.

"Bye Mom! I love you too!" I call back to her. 

I walk out the door and let out a small sigh. If only I had the strength to tell her about what's really going on at school. As I walked to school, the same headache started to get worse. Almost as if it was weighing me down. I tried my best to ignore it again, but as it worsened it got harder. 

I arrived at school not too long after leaving. I walked in to the school and got to class much earlier than usual. I wanted to go to the nurse and ask if i could have something for my head, but I knew they would probably think I was just faking it, being quirkless and all. 

Sometime while I was weighing my options, I started muttering (a habit I picked up from my Dad before the car crash) and was snapped out of it by a loud BANG! next to my ear. I jumped at the sound and looked over to see Kacchan and his lackeys laughing at me. Kacchan smiled that menacing smile I knew all to well and I knew this wasn't going to end well. 

He used his quirk and flung me to the ground all while the other kids watched. We all knew how much raw power Kacchan has and anyone who trys to get in his way is a fool. Just as he was about to blast me again, our teacher walked through the door and his mood immediately shifts.

"Oh! Izuku are you ok? Sorry about that I didn't mean to knock you over." He says, that fake smile plastered on his face. 

I quietly say, "Y-yeah im f-fine Kacchan. Thanks..." I take his hand and he helps me up, then goes to sit down in his chair.

He really is a sociopath. Of course he acts like such a nice guy around the teachers. He needs that perfect record if hes going to get into UA, right? I sigh and sit down as well, only to be hit with a wave of pain through my forehead.  This headache just doesn't know when to quit. I try to pay attention, but that headache distracts me from thinking of anything besides going to the nurse.

The day goes by really fast, but I was bored put of my mind, constantly wanting to go to the nurse. I knew that they wouldn't really care or do anything if I did go, there's only so much you can do for a headache.  I just keep it to myself and get ready for my last class.

I get to class and sit down again ready for this school day to finally be over, when my headache starts to get really bad. The dread feels like its running through my veins making the air taste thick. I get paranoid again. What is it that i'm dreading so much? The bell makes me flinch and I quickly take my stuff and leave. I need to get out of here before Kacchan has a chance to catch up with me. 

I try to run home but my headache is so bad I think I might pass out. Something doesn't feel right. I no longer want to go home. I know I have to, but its as if something is pulling me away from it trying to stop my from reaching my house. I start to get nauseous as my small house comes into view. 

"What is going on with me today?" I wonder out loud. I just want to go home and try to sleep. As I approach the front steps, I hear someone cry out, while another yells. My headache suddenly gets really bad, and the dread starts to make sense. The crying person sounds like my mom, but I have no idea who the other person could be. I reach for the doorknob to go inside and aid my mom, but a loud noise startles me.

I open the door to see a man in a bird mask holding my mom up against the wall. He yells out, clearly angry,

"I'll ask you one more time woman, Where is your son?" She let's out a little shriek and starts to plead with him. 

"I don't know!" The man grips her neck harder until she gives in.

"H-hes supposed to be at school! He is probably coming home.!"

I freeze and drop my bag on the ground.

"M-mom? What's going on?" I say. 

Both of them turn to look at me. My head and stomach are screaming at me to run away, but my feet won't move. The man wearing the mask looks at me and gets a certain glint in his eye. The same glint that I see in Kacchan's eyes before he decides to hurt me. In that one glance I know that whatever he wants isn't going to be a good for me. He turns back to my mom and says only one thing,

"I guess I don't need you anymore..." He pulls off one of his gloves. In one swift motion I heard my mom scream for the final time. He ran his finger down her body and it exploded. The only thing I could do was scream and cover my mouth. I can only stand there in shock, so much so, I don't even realize what's happening. Two other men in bird masks held me in place, while the man who killed my mom walked towards me. 

"This won't hurt a bit..." he says before lifting his finger up towards the ceiling.

In this moment I finally understood what had been going on with me today. I wasn't sick and I wasn't paranoid. No outside force had caused this. Somehow my body knew what was going to happen today and I chose to ignore the signs. If only I had listened, this could have gone differently. The sickness that had plagued my mind was in fact a gut feeling trying so hard to warn me, and stop me from coming home.

Suddenly, the man with the bird mask brought his finger down on me. My body filled with pain, as I cried out in sheer horror. Then everything went black.


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading my first story!

This is my first time writing for something other than school. It turns out I really enjoy it!

I hope you liked this, and I will update as soon as I can! Criticism is 100% welcome!

Word Count: 1364!

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