12 - Meeting the Family

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Guys, I know this might not seem like a big deal but to me it really means a lot.

Thank you guys so much for your support for this story, it really makes me happy. Every time I see one of your comments I smile. You guys are really showing me love that I can't really get anywhere else, and I really just want to thank you for making me happy.

Also #2 in rewind! Thanks so much!

To celebrate 2k reads and as a thank you, congratulations, we're getting an extra long chapter with lots of dadzawa! Also, i'm sorry about the wait, motivation is an endangered species in my life.


Katsuki POV:


I kick the door to class 1-A open and take a quick look around the room.

"Morning Extras."

I look over towards the sound of sobbing.

Kirishima is- crying?

"Oi, shitty hair, what's up with you?" I ask. I try not to show it in my voice but I really am worried. (g a y)

"Bakubro, i-it's just you've never greeted any of us before. It was so manly I couldn't contain myself." he says tears still forming at the edge of his eyes.

I roll my eyes and sit down in my seat.

I take out my phone and text Deku cause i'm bored.

Fire breathing hands: Deku im bored what are you doing

Broccoli: I am trying to eat but its hard😣😣😣

Fire breathing hands: Why is that hard

Broccoli: I frgot how to use chopsticks🍜

Fire Breathing hands: lmao i bet you look like an american rn

Broccoli: That's mean kacchan!!1!! What if an american was reading this rn!! so meannn!

Fire Breathing hands: Reading- wait what???


(time skip brought to you by Izu detorit smashing the forth wall)

Well that was weird. Deku started about weird stuff. Apparently he wants to raid area 51 or some other BS.

"Ok Kids today we are doing joint training with the support course...

*** (another timeskip ik im sorry)

Aizawa POV:

Gosh, 1-A is tiring. Honestly I don't know how they keep moving.

I open the door to our apartment and see Izuku sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Izuku, i'm home." I say

He looks over at me.

"H-hi Shota." he says

"We're going shopping for your room today alright kid?"

He looks a little bit shocked making me chuckle a bit.

"B-but you a-already spent so much on m-me! I-i don't want t-to be a b-burden..." he trails off.

"Hey, your not a burden. It's normal for kids to indulge every once in a while."

He looks back up at me and nods slightly. I put my hand on his head and flinches slightly.

"sorry.." I say. He only nods.

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