Chapter 30- The Boiling Rock, Part 1

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"No one can make tea like Uncle. But hopefully I learned a thing or two." Zuko said while making everyone tea.

"Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?" Zuko asked.


"I like jokes."

"Bring it!"

"Okay, well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is. "Leaf me alone—I'm bushed!"

We were so silent that we could hear the crickets croaking.

"Well, it's funnier when Uncle tells it."

"Right," Katara says. "Maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing."

We all laughed, except someone in particular, who was always up for jokes.

I turned around and noticed my boyfriend sitting alone far away from everyone else.

I crawled over to him and rested my head on his lap.

"You okay babe?"

Sokka smiles down at me. "Yeah."

Oh, I knew this kid was lying. But ima let it slide. For now.

Zuko walked over to us with his tea.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Sokka asked Zuko.

Oh no.

I lifted my head off, Sokka's lap and walked over to Aang.

After they returned, Zuko had pulled me aside and told me Sokka was planning something.

The same night everyone was asleep. Well except for Zuko and I, we were sitting on top of Appa's saddle waiting for Sokka.

"Not up to anything, huh?"

"Heya, babe."

"Aah!" Sokka screamed falling off Appa.

Zuko and I peeked at the edge of the saddle.

"Soul," Sokka says. "What are you doing here? I- you were just in bed. I-I gave you a kiss goodbye."

"A Spirit never reveals her secrets."

Zuko groaned.

"Okay," Sokka mumbles. "You caught me. I'm gonna rescue my dad. You happy now?"

"I'm never happy."

He was pretty happy when we were füćkïng, but I'm not gonna say that out loud. Sokka would throw a fit.

"Look, I have to do this. The invasion plan was my idea. It was my decision to stay when things were going wrong. It's my mistake, and it's my job to fix it. I have to regain my honor. You can't stop me, Zuko."

"You need to regain your honor?" Zuko asked. "Believe me, I get it. I'm going with you."

"Me too." I cheer.

"No!" Sokka says. "Soul, this is too dangerous, I have to do this alone."

"PLSS. Dangerous is my middle name. Have you forgotten who I am? The Sun Spirit."

The boys completely ignored me.

"How are you going to get there?" Zuko asked. "On Appa? Last time I checked, prisons don't have bison daycares."

Sokka sighed.

"We'll take my war balloon."

"I'm still coming, right?" I ask.

"Let's go." Sokka says jumping off Appa and grabbing my hand as we follow Zuko.

The next morning, we had token the war balloon. Zuko had left a note saying that we had gone fishing and that Aang should practice his firebending.

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