Chapter 32- The Southern Raiders

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                     *****SMUT WARNING*****

Everyone was sleeping when we heard a loud explosion. We quickly woke up confused.

Several Fire Nation airships came out of nowhere, throwing bombs at the Air Temple.

Aang airbent the large temples shut.

Toph and Haru earthbended a tunnel into the wall so that everyone could escape safely.

I noticed Zuko looking out at the airships.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Go ahead, I'll hold them off. I think this is a family visit."

"Zuko, no!" Aang shouts.

"Come on," Sokka says grabbing my shoulder. "We've got to get out of here."

Appa refused to enter the tunnel as the temple continues to be bombarded. It was decided that we needed to split up; Sokka, Aang, Katara, Toph, Zuko, Appa, Momo, and I would fly away from the temple while everybody else escaped through the tunnel. Toph earthbends a shield to protect us from incoming bombs.

As we flew away I noticed Zuko falling from above us, I grabbed his hand as I pulled him into the saddle.

We looked back to see Azula falling.

"She's not gonna make it." Zuko whispers.

Azula used her firebending to propel herself towards the cliffside, she pulled out her hair piece as she stopped herself.

"Of course she did." Zuko mutters.

We found a place to camp as we set up tents and everything.

"Wow, camping," Aang says. "It really seems like old times again, doesn't it?"

"If you really want it to feel like old times, I could, uh, chase you around awhile and try to capture you." Zuko said.

We all laughed, except Katara.

"To Zuko," Sokka toasted. "Who knew after all those times he tried to snuff us out today he'd be our hero."

"Hear hear." We cheered.

"I'm touched," Zuko says. "I don't deserve this."

"Yeah, no kidding." Katara says walking away.

I roll my eyes.

"What's with her?" Sokka asks.

"I wish I knew." Zuko muttered as he followed after her.

"Whats with him?"

That following night Sokka had told me to meet him in his tent.

While I was sneaking into Sokka's tent I accidentally bumped into Zuko. "Oops. Wrong tent."

"Sorry, do you need to talk to Sokka too?" Zuko asked.

"Nope, not me." I quickly walked away.

A couple minutes later I heard Sokka whisper my name. "Soul?"

I peeked behind a tent.

Sokka saw Zuko still standing near his tent. He whistled as Zuko walked away.

I quickly ran into his tent.

I looked to see rose petals and candles scattered all over the ground.

"Sokka, is this for me?"

"Yeah." Sokka said handing me a broken rose.

I looked at him to see his hair down. I gave him a smirk.

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