Chapter 19- The Awakening

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For the past few weeks I've been debating on when was the right time to tell Sokka, about what happened between Zuko and I.

If Sokka was to tell me, that him and Suki had got it on, I'd completely lose my shit. I'm nervous to tell him but I have to tell him sooner or later, and later wasn't an option.

I kept my distance from Sokka for the past couple of days. I couldn't bare looking at him, I felt too guilty.

I was resting my elbows on the side of the Fire Nation ship, we had stolen once we had gotten Sokka's father from Chameleon Bay. He was actually a very nice man and super hot, I see where the siblings get their good looks from.

Flashback to meeting Hakoda.

"Dad, this is my girl..huh I mean...friend Soul."

I wince at Sokka's introduction.

"Hi, sir it's very nice to finally meet you, Sokka's told me so much about you."

"Oh, really now, because Sokka's told me so much about you. I'm Hakoda by the way."

I blush. "Was it good stuff."

"Yeah, you're good for my son."

I gulp remembering about Zuko and I. "Yeah, ha ha good."

End flashback

"Hey," Sokka says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey," I sigh.

"What's wrong?" Sokka asks.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Sokka asks.

"Remember, how we were in Ba Sing Se and Zuko was there."

"Uh, yeah." Sokka responds.

"Well, um..I knew he was in Ba Sing Se before you guys found out he was and," I took a deep breathe in. "And um...we kind of did some things," I pause. "Uh together."

"What things?"

"We got together and-." I slowly clapped my hands together, hoping Sokka would get it.

"Oh?" Sokka replies sadly. "Did you like it?"

"At the moment yes. But after, no."

Before Sokka could respond we heard a crash on the deck, we turned our heads to see Aang.

"Twinkle toes," Toph calls out. "That's got to be you."

We all rush over to Aang.

"Aang, you're awake," Katara says.

"Are you sure?" Aang asks. "I feel like I'm dreaming."

"You're not dreaming," Katara says hugging him. "You're finally awake."

"Aang, good to see you back with the living, buddy," Sokka says now hugging Aang.

"Sokka?" He asked before fainting.

Katara and Aang sat down to talk as Sokka, Toph, and I walked off.

*ೃ༄ *ೃ༄ *ೃ༄

I walked back to the side of the ship again, resting my elbows on the railing but this time I was crying.

I cling onto my necklaces. "He's never going to forgive me, is he?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask him?"

I turn around to see Sokka.

"Soul, don't cry," Sokka says wiping my tears.

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