XLI: A Chance!

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(not edited)


Forgiveness, something which most of us give even though the person hurt us. Is this what loves makes us do? Why do we always end up granting it? Is it because we are weak? Does all humans do that? or keep the grief and hurt within them which slowly turns into anger. It's like a slow poison, eating us from inside.

I didn't want to keep such burden on my heart so I gave it to him, I forgave him. He accepted his mistake that's what's important, he's guilty about his doings. To be honest, the relation we had was confusing, both of us were clueless, not knowing what we feel for each other.

Just because forgave him doesn't mean I can forget it, It takes time to heal these wounds but It'll surely heal unless someone wants to hurt it more. I'm afraid I can't bare more pain. My fragile heart can't take it anymore but I am willing to risk it one last time.

For us!

I'm currently lying on my bed, it's midnight and I haven't got a wink of sleep. My mind kept on wandering to the things that happened today.

"Will you give me another chance?"

I looked away, my fist gripping the hem of my shirt as I contemplated on my answer.

"Promise you'll work on your temper issues I can't afford another bruise on my body" I peered at him.

He looked down in shame his knuckles turning white, his jaw set, it looked like he was scolding himself. After few moments he gazed at me "I feel ashamed of my actions Athena, I know me apologizing won't change the damage that I've caused but I'm willing to apologise till I earn your forgiveness. I promise I'll work on my temper if it means you'll give me another chance. I'll do anything for you Athena. I can't assure this temper issue will go but I'll try my best." he was practically begging and how can I not forgive him?

Knowing a man like him was willing to leave all his ego just for my forgiveness was a huge step, my heart warmed at his sincerity. He was being honest, that's what I wanted.

I gave him a gentle smile "I forgive you Zephyr but that doesn't give you the permission to rule my life"

he nodded his head furiously, his green eyes twinkling as his lip curled into a beautiful smile before I could react I was engulfed by his strong arms. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck as he muttered countless 'thank you' and 'Sorry' leaving kisses on my shoulder and hair. I immediately relaxed into his arms, taking in his warmth and pine scent. I feel safe in his arms, my mood just drastically increased.

His childish behavior bought a smile on my face, I didn't know the cold Zephyr could be so adorable. I chuckled burying my head into is rock hard chest, listening to the fast thumping of his heart, the same pace as mine.

He hugged me tighter "I'm sorry for everything Ma Cherie" he whisper into my hair, before placing a gentle kiss. I let out a sigh, enjoying the feel. I could stay like this forever.

After few moments we pulled away, Zephyr had a victorious smile on his face, as if he's won an award. His lips parted to say something when a ringtone cut him off. It was mine.

I excuse myself and went to the desk before picking the phone, my hand froze mid air when I saw the caller ID.

Gabriel! Oh boy why now? I've had enough of drama for a day.

The phone continued to ring but I wasn't answering. I don't know how zephyr would react.

"Who is it Athena?" I stilled in place when I felt his breath near my ear, I shouldn't get scared, Gabriel is just a friend.

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