VII. Green eyes!

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It's the day of my interview and I was getting ready. Ruby decided to select my outfit and do my makeup, even though I didn't want to.

"Hey check this out! Which one?" Ruby walked out of the closet holding two pairs of outfits. The first one is a black jumpsuit with a white blazer and the other one is a navy blue pantsuit with a white blouse.

I tapped my chin and scanned the outfits. Both looked nice but I prefer the suit. "The suit!" I pointed out, smiling in satisfaction.

She nodded her head approvingly and placed it on the bed and left the room so I could change. I quickly donned the outfit and called out to Ruby. She walked in holding a huge make-up bag.

I hope she won't cake my face with it.

"Keep it as simple as possible," I stated, sitting in front of the dressing table.

She rolled her eyes "I know what to do and you're gonna be stunned by your look,"

"Hope it's for a good reason." I narrowed my eyes at her through the mirror.

"Yeah yeah, Now sit straight and enjoy the pampering." she held my shoulder straight and I exhaled closing my eyes and waited patiently for her to work her magic on me. After half an hour of poking and pulling it is done.

"You can open your eyes now!" She said in a sing-song voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and was surprised to see my face not caked with makeup. It looked fresh and natural. My hair was french braided. Leaving a few strands falling over my face. Wow!

I smiled at her work "wow Ruby! Thank you so much. It's beautiful." I say without looking Away from my reflection.

She giggled and fanned herself, "I'm such an artist."

I chuckled and got up from the chair, stretching a bit to loosen my aching and stiff muscles. I took my sling bag, which had my documents, phone, and other necessary stuff.

I slipped into a pair of white heels. Which weren't comfortable at all. I need to change this. I decided to keep it in my bag and wore black shoes as I had to ride my bike.

I walked into the kitchen and saw breakfast set on the table. It was Chocolate waffles and a glass of orange juice, yummy!

I dug into it and finished within a few minutes.

"Breakfast was delicious!" I complimented, with a grin.

"Of course it is because I learned it from you," she replied with a wink.

I chuckled and got up leaving the dishes in the sink. I walked towards the door and took the bike key and helmet.

"All the best, you're going to do great." she wished as I stepped into the lift.

I nodded and muttered a 'thanks' before the lift doors closed. I wasn't feeling nervous but right now I'm getting a feeling that something is going to happen. It feels weird.

I hope I get the job, I silently prayed and made my way to the bike.

Here I go!


I followed the directions to the business district and finally reached the building. It was a tall building with polarized blue glass windows covering all of the building. It looked around twenty to thirty floors tall. At the entrance, it was written in bold white letters "King's"

Fire And Flames (Under major Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ