XXV: New Step!

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The warmth of the sun caressed my face. I shielded my face with my hand before slowing opening my heavy eyes due to crying my eyes out last night. Shame on me to like a man who'll never respect me. If he wants to play this game rough then I'll surely let him suffer.

Taking support of my elbows I sat up on my bed. I was still wearing the dress and I haven't removed my makeup. I bet I looked like a zombie. Glancing at the digital clock, it displayed 7:46 AM.

I wonder whether I'm still working for him or not?

To hell with his damn work!

I decided to spend the rest of the day staying cooped up in the room, watching TV and ordering room service. This is the best way to avoid him and thankfully he didn't call.

The next day arrived soon and I planned to take a stroll around the place. Staying inside won't solve any of my problems, it's best that I go around to relax my messed up mind.

My small stroll for few minutes extended for over hours and by the time I returned it was almost eight. I stepped out of the lift and walked towards my room but stopped when I noticed a tall figure waiting there.

What is he doing there?

I continued walking, not paying any heed to him. I reached the door and was about to open when he interrupted me "Where were you?" he sounded angry, well he's always angry.

Narrowing my eyes I turned to him "I don't have to tell that to you"

"Your in a new place, where you don't know the language and what if something happened to you?" I can tell he was keeping his anger at bay.

"At least it's better than staying around you" I yelled at his face before scanning the card to open the door when again this idiot stopped me again by holding my arm.  I might punch him now!

"What do you want now?" I barked, glaring at him

"I told you I haven't finished with you!"

"Well I'm not gonna listen" I removed his hand and stepped into my room shutting the door on his face.

Was I rude?

Nah! he deserved it!

Does he really care about me?


It's the final day in Spain, I've been ignoring him for almost two days. Even during meetings I try to be as professional as possible, I'm surprised he didn't fire me yet.

He tries to find a reason to start a conversation but I'll leave him.

I just want o go home and take a long break. I'm sick of being here. Most specifically being near him. I thought maybe he's nice deep beneath but all he is an arrogant ass.

I zipped the suitcase and after checking whether I've left anything I strolled it towards the door and opened before leaving. The door closed behind and I went towards the elevator which had few people thankfully he wasn't present.


The metal doors slid open and I walked out towards the reception area and noticed Mr.King already waiting near it. I clenched my fists now I have to face him again.

I reached the counter, noticing him looking at me from my peripheral. I returned he room key checking my name out and walked away without minding him.

My steps quickened, wanting to stay away from him but he caught up with me. what is this man up to? he didn't appear to be cranky neither pissed. For some reason my mind is telling he's up to something.

Fire And Flames (Under major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now