Iron Someone to the Rescue

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Izuku was punching the Beads of the undersheath into his body.

Izuku tapped the arc reactor on his chest, heated and tensed the muscles they were in and the beads unraveled and formed the platinum undersheath.

Izuku tapped the arc reactor on his chest, heated and tensed the muscles they were in and the beads unraveled and formed the platinum undersheath

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[its like this but it isn't in his bones.]

His suit formed around his body and Izuku tested his movement. "Jarvis, run an inventory check on the platinum storage and tell me if we have enough for another Undersheath."

"We indeed have enough for another mark 3 undersheath."

"Pull up the mark 2." Izuku said as the red and gold suit. A flick had the suit fragments zoomed out and Izuku moved the gold sheath out.

"Reconstruct the undersheath into fragments and wire in an external processing unit." Izuku said.

"At once sir."

The armor plates had the sheath beads integrated into them.

"Sir the new design would have no tactical advantages to the current design."

"It's not for-"

Jarvis interrupted him by flashing a news warning. A plane had been high jacked.

"Save the project." Izuku said "Jarvis how's the parts?"

"Still not complete sir."

"Hows Iron Liberty?"

"Stars and Stripes are capable of flight. However the weapon systems are-"

He headed to the outer plates and attached them as fast as he could. 'I need a quicker way to suit up.' Izuku thought as he got suited up.


A streak of blue had flew above the ocean headed towards the plane.

"Jarvis contact ground control and patch me into that plane."

"You're live sir."

"Attention this is Iron Liberty. What is the situation on board?"

"Mayday mayday this is copilot Mathew Briggs of flight 77 to Japan. The pilot has been shot I've locked the cockpit and 3 passengers have been killed."

"Briggs listen closely. I need to to keep that door shut, buckle your seat belt and keep this thing at cruising altitude. I'm here to help." Izuku said.

"Ok. Shit they don't prepare you enough for this shit. Glen was a navy pilot for fuck sake." Briggs said.

"Just breath man we're gonna get through this." Izuku said "Get the passenger's buckled in. Were gonna get threw this."

Inside plane

"Attention passenger's I know the current high jacking is in progress but I would recommend buckling your seat belt, putting your tray tables up and your seats in the full upright position. Thank you for your cooperation in this unforseen event and thank you for flying with us."

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