Intern Prep

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Next Morning

Izuku woke up first and noticed the 3 females currently on him.

'Pepper.' Izuku thought feeling guilty before his higher brain function remembered he wasn't in Tony's head anymore.

The sleeping forms of the 3 girls had been cute. Katsumi could deny it all she wanted but she was adorable when she wasn't sneering.

Ochako was like a kitten. A slight pur of her snoring.

Mei had been a heavy sleeper when she actually slept.

'Jesus you three are beautiful.'

"You aren't getting out of this without an explanation." Katsumi groaned out.

"You heard that?" Izuku said.

"Your muttering is actually really informative." Mei said "I fell asleep after you taking notes."

"Now about the damn hole in your chest." Katsumi said.

"Let's just say I need an upgrade." Izuku said.

"Are gonna die?" Ochako asked.

Izuku put a hand on her head. "I just need time." He said "But we need to get to class."

"No one leaves this bed till you tell us exactly what's going on." Katsumi said.

"Paladium leak." Izuku said.

Mei had looked at the port and said "What could have over taxed the core where it melted? It's supposed to go cold when a core fails right?"

"I went too far and paid for it." Izuku said "I can fix it but I need to get to my lab. But first we need to go to class."

"If you need help just ask." Ochako said.

"Mei Hatsume Incorporated is at your service." Mei said.

"No way your keeping me away you bastard." Katsumi said.

Izuku nodded and they finally got up.

Class 1-B

Shinso had walked to her seat.

"So the Class Traitor is still plotting with the quirkless one." Monoma said.

"He's training me." Shinso said. The faint sound under her desk had drawn attention.

"Are those...Grip Strenghteners?" Tokage asked.

"Must follow schedule to letter." Shinso said.

"Atten-tion!" Vlad King shouted walking in. "Monoma take your seat, Tokage put your head back on your shoulders and Sit up Shinso."

"Yes sir."

"Kendo?" Vlad asked.

"All Students present sir." Kendo said.

"Good now onto today's schedule." Vlad said listing off a few things.

The Support Department would be sitting in to see how their quirks functioned and any equipment currently being processed could be set.

Tomorrow the students would be picking their hero names.

"I expect you all to be giving your best..." A glance to Shinso "And keep yourself civil with the other classes." Turning to Monoma.

"The purple Traitor definitely is getting friendly with the Quirkless Wonder." Monoma said.

"Shut it." Shinso said.

"What was that private?" Vlad asked raising his voice slightly.

"Midoriya had offered to help me after I lost." Shinso sighed. Not really wanting to tell Sensei.

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