[Cut content chapter]

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So uncle Toshi about your...issue." Melissa said brushing off Izuku.

"Oh I wanted to tell you the good news." All Might said "Wanna take this inside?"

"Should he be here?" Melissa asked pretending Izuku was here.

"He's kinda involved." Toshinori said.

Inside David's office

All Might pulled out a folder.

David and Melissa shifted through it. Their faces getting more and more shocked.

"Toshi..." David said "You said you were healed but..."

"I am. And so much more." Toshinori said.

Melissa looked at the diagram.

Regrown lungs. Heart polymor. "WHO DID THIS?!" Melissa shouted as she slammed the folder down.

Yo." Izuku smirked.

"You?" Melissa said "How could you do this without The Union or Sarif Industries? The Union Banned testing without clearance. Even in Japan."

"Except for quirkless people." Izuku said "Of course it isn't testing when you know what your doing."

"Melissa-" All Might started.

She had slapped his hand away and glared at Izuku "I will bring the entirety of The Union, Sarif Industries and Shield to put whatever company you have into atoms."

"Please you think I'm afraid of a bunch of cowards that hide behind bribed politicians and corporate bullshit?"

Her arm opened partly and a fine blade constructed itself out of ceramics.

Before she could take 2 steps two blue beams destroyed the blade.

She looked and saw her Godfather and the one trying to bankrupt her. Both holding glowing gloves.

"MELISSA SHIELD!" David and All Might shouted.

"Uncle Toshi...move." Melissa said as a new blade was formed.

Melissa Shield you will stand down right now!" All Might bulked up.

"No let her try. I wanna see how cheap this bitch is. If she's running Serif This is a fair fight.'

"AAAAAHHHH." Melissa shouted bursting forward.

An uppercut from Izuku hit her hard enough to crack her latest implant hit the same time as her nanoblade hitting him square on the temple.

The blade had scalped Izuku showing the black metal underneath and Melissa had dropped from the burst of acid leaking in her bowels.

"Law get in here." Shield shouted.

Melissa watched Izuku put his scalp back on and holding up the now ripped off arm. "Silicone Carbide? Interesting. Aluminum alloy? You couldn't score the titanium for a better skeleton?" Izuku asked.

"What the fuck?"

"Tungsten Carbide bones and Carbon nanotubes." Izuku smirked flicking his jackets collar.

Melissa had tried to stand but Izuku kicked her in the jaw.

"What's going on here?" Law shouted entering the room.

When he saw Melissa on the floor he activated Surgery and the two were separated.

"I think the stomach is broke." Melissa said clutching her midsection.

Law floated out the stomach and did a temporary gastric bypass since her stomach was in her room at the moment. "Shit dude what the hell are you made of?"

"Take a look." Izuku said smirking.

Izuku's heart and skeleton floated out "How did you..." Melissa started but David interrupted her.

"Young lady you will sit there until I we are done." David said as Melissa was nursing her severed stump.

"She'll be fine just if she goes to eat take small bites you don't have a stomach right now." Law said lighting a cigarette "You shout be lucky he didn't put you in the dirt. The fuckers got double the muscle of a regular person."

"What is up with that arm?" Izuku asked looking at the stump. "Your seriously using wires in a enclosed organic system?"

Melissa swatted at him as he was trying to get a closer look at her arm.

"That's seirf Industries property keep you filthy hands off it." Melissa said.

"This shit isn't worth a ham sandwich." Izuku said waving the removed arm.

"That is a 1 billion dollar pieces of equipment!" Melissa growled.

"No it's about 50 dollars of materials." Izuku said gesturing to the arm.

His phone was pulled out and pulled up a diagram.

"This right here baby girl is worth the half a billion The Union over charges and I sell em for 500 USD with a lifetime warranty." Izuku held up his phone.

"You piece of Shit!" Melissa shouted jumping out her seat and this time being grabbed by Izuku and her leg was stomped.

"Midoriya!" All Might said.

"What? You expect me not to fight back when a crazy bitch tries to kill me?"

Error error>

The last thing Melissa remembered was her body going into shock from withdrawal and the green bastard Laughing.

Izuku actually started laughing.

"Are you seriously on that shit? Augmentations don't need em."

Dr Strange

Getting a call from Izuku about a surgery on I-Island was not the first thing he expected.

Doing a complete graft of a new Augmentation layout was a surprise but a welcome one.



"How's your hands?" Law took a puff "Heard you had a little accident."

"You'd know if you answered the calls."

"Your insurance didn't cover me." Law said smirking.

"I had over a million a year in insurance in my hands alone." Strange said glaring at him.

"Look let's just fix this bitch alright." Izuku said "You brought the stuff I told you about?"

"Yes. Are you serious about lining nerves with fiber optic cable?" Strange asked.

"Yes." Izuku said.

"Great I'll call Momo after we get the connections and make a proper prosthetic."

"You know The Union is gonna kill you for making Prosthetics right?" Law said.

"Let them try." Izuku and Strange said in unison.

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