Chapter 9

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[The Next Day]

Next morning. Asia and I are walking towards school.

Fuu, luckily I used my spell at the right time yesterday, if not my Mom will be very angry to me and the anger of the human mother is worse than anything.



Asia=What happened in the bathroom yesterday? After you said *Revide* you suddenly disappeared.

Y/n=Why you ask that?

Asia=I'm just curious.

Y/n=Well, let's not talk about that.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.


And it was Matsuda and Motohama.

Matsuda=Y/n, I realized that lately you've been very popular with girls.

Motohama=and because of that we want to ask you a question.

Y/n=What question?

Motohama then fixes his glasses calmly.

Motohama=Y/n, can you introduce us to someone?

Motohama says it while putting his face close to mine.


Well, I don’t have any connections with other girls besides Asia.

Hmm? Well, it’s not like I don’t know someone. There is one person that I know of.

I then took my phone out and check for the name. Yup, I have it. This should be okay.

Y/n=Well, I found one person that’s okay with meeting you guys. That person will also bring friends as well. This is the number of the person I can introduce you guys to. Contact that person through mail first. That way, you guys will feel happier.

By the way i got this number from Issei when i check his phone.

Matsuda/Motohama=Thank you!!

The two of them then copies the number into their phones.

Matsuda=So, what kind of person is she? She’s a beauty right?

Y/n=Umm, yeah, He- i mean she’s a "maiden"

Matsuda=Maiden……w-wonderful……that’s really wonderful, Y/n-kun

Motohama=Yeah!we really appreciate it!!

Matsuda=By the way, why is "Mil-tan" called Mill-tan?

Y/n=What if you ask the person yourself.

[Timeskip after school]

When on my way home, someone called me from behind.


It was Kiba Yuuto.

Y/n=What do you want now?

Kiba=Rias-Senpai invited you to occult research club.

Y/n=What now?

Kiba=Just follow me.

Y/n=Okay then.

Asia=Um, can i come with you?


We then leave.

[Occult research club]

The room has an atmosphere where no one is talking.

Rias=Looks like everyone is here. Before we start the club, there’s something I need to ask to you

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