Chapter 34

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[At the same day]

I was now walking in a place that could be described as another world. The streets have Edo era nuances, ancient houses were lined up, and there are many strange creatures along the road.

Yeah, that's right. We are now at the youkai world and currently, we were walking towards the princess residence.

We followed the fox lady towards the princess residence. It was rather dark, and the only light source was a lamp moving along the road in front of us.

Everyone was watching us with curiosity.


The lantern suddenly showed eyes and a mouth and began laughing.

Fox lady=My apologies. The youkai here love to play pranks... Though I suppose none of them are able to pose a threat to you all..

The fox lady guiding us apologized as we walked.

Y/n=It's okay.

Xenovia=So this is the world of youkai?

Fox lady=Yes, This is the place where most Kyoto youkai live. We call this place the Inner Capital and other names. Also, there are those who live out there on the surface of Kyoto.

Xenovia=The Inner Capital? I see.

Koneko=If I may ask, are they humans?

Fox lady=No, I've heard that they're devils.

Koneko=Devils? It's rare to see them here.

Passing through rows of residences, we entered a forest with a river flowing through it. Venturing deeper, a massive red gate appeared. Before us was a huge mansion.

In front of the red gate, Azazel and Serafall in a kimono were already there.

Azazel=Oh, you've arrived.

Serafall=Hello everyone!

Between them was a blonde girl. The one who led the earlier attack.

Fox lady=Kunou-sama, I have brought everyone here.

The princess stepped forward and began to speak.

Kunou=I am Kunou, the daughter of Yasaka, the administrator of the youkai living in inner and outer Kyoto.

After that, she bowed her head deeply.

Kunou=I am really sorry for last time. Attacking you without investigating deeply, please forgive me.

Y/n=It's fine, I'm glad the misunderstanding is resolved. Now, lift your head.

Kunou=But... But...

Y/n=You just worried about your mother, right?

Kunou=Yes, of course.

Y/n=If that's the case, then making a mistake is understandable.

Kunou=.... Thank you..

Kunou=... Though I am very sorry for my mistake... but please, I beg you all! Please lend your strength to save my mother!

I just nodded with a smile after hearing her words.

A few moments later, we had been taken into the mansion. In the meeting room, we've taken our seats.

Y/n=Well, seems like things have become serious.

Azazel=Sigh, once the various factions decided to ally, this kind of thing has been happening. Last time with Odin, Loki came, right? This time, the enemies are the terrorists.

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