Chapter 10 The Worthless Battle

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[Two days later]

In the morning.

I called Asia into my room. We are sitting opposite each other.

Y/n=Listen up, Asia-san.


Y/n=Last night some guys were approaching you and trying to take you to a quiet alley. good thing I was there to beat up those guys before they touch you.

Asia=S-Sorry... For the problem

Y/n=Anyway, why you not just run away from those guys?

Asia=T-They said they need a help so i decided to help them.

Y/n=*sigh*Asia..... You're not fully wrong but please don't just approach people you still don't know


Y/n=Now, let me tell you something..

Asia=What is it, Y/n-san?

Y/n=Guys are wolves. You will be eaten if you approach them carelessly.

Asia=……Men are werewolves? That is scary… I Promise i won't go outside at night again....

Asia takes what I had said seriously.

Haaaah.... I got a headache. ……Man, I’m seriously getting a headache.

Asia is too defenceless. Well, it’s not like Asia had an ordinary life, so it can’t be helped if she is a bit different. However, shouldn’t it be girls teaching these things to other girls……?

By the way, after that incident, my parents went to a discount store which is opened even at night.

They bought baby clothes and baby toys while putting on a big smile.

No matter how much I explained to them, they simply said things like, "Don't worry, I know about it. Shotgun marriage are accepted nowadays. Oh my, I sure would like a girl for my first grandchild!"


"So I ‘m going to become a grandpa…… If it’s a boy then I have to buy him a new carp streamer. Looks like my family has become “international” now. Maybe I should learn how to speak English."

Man... Human parents sure is worthless but what i can do about that....

Y/n=be careful next time. Guys like that are really scary. That’s why guys like that drag pure girls like you into a dark place and do something very bad.

Asia then tilts her head adorably.

Asia=Something very bad?

Y/n=they do indecent actions towards girls. It’s dangerous. Do you understand from now?

Asia=But if I am in danger,
Y/n-san will come and save me.

Like I thought, she truly believes in me.

Y/n=But Asia, you have to increase your awareness as a girl. I'm really worry because you don’t doubt other people.

Asia=Sorry Y/n-san...


Me and Asia was now walk toward the shool together.

Asia=Y/n, are you not worried?

Y/n=About what?

Asia=You have a battle 8 days from now. Are you not worry about that.

Y/n=No and i don't care either.





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