Part 20

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The next day, I didn't speak to Derrick at all in school. The few times I saw him, he was being wished a happy birthday - which apparently had been the previous day – mostly by girls. I had no idea that he was born on October 1st, but then again, how would I know when we didn't even run in the same crowd.

Once I got home, I didn't hear anything from him over text. I put my phone away and tried to relax and remind myself that everything happened in steps. Just because Derrick and I had talked up a possible suspect the previous day, didn't mean that he would find evidence right away. I decided to hop into the shower so the warm water could help rationalize my thoughts for the rest of the afternoon. It helped and I managed to have a somewhat relaxing evening. Well, despite the homework. And it also helped that Adele was asleep in her room the whole time, so my focus was on 100%. *

That night, I closed all my study books and electronic devices at ten o'clock. I tried to sleep but ended up tossing and turning for what felt like half an hour. Then, I heard the shower turn on in the bathroom. Who was showering this late? Not my parents. Late night showers wasn't a thing for them. Or for me. So, of course, it had to be Adele. Who else?

The shower turned off a little while later, and after minutes passed by, I heard the door to the bathroom open and footsteps in the hallway. I reached down on the left side of my bed and turned on the little rectangular lamp that was on the floor, which only illuminated less than half of my bedroom. I got up and went to stand at the open entrance of my room, surveying the hall. The bathroom door was wide open and the light was on, which was how I managed to see Adele walk out of her room. She was fully dressed and seemed distracted as she headed for the bathroom. She almost didn't notice me. When she did, she seemed surprised. "What are you doing up?" she asked softly.

"You're going out?" I said, just as softly. Adele put her finger to her lips and looked towards our parents' bedroom door. She gestured with her other hand for me to go back into my room while she reached into the bathroom and closed the light. She then followed me to my room, gently closing the door behind her. I sat on my bed and stared at her. "Where are you going?"

She seemed amused. "I have work."

I frowned. "So then, what's with all the secrecy?"

She smiled. "There is none." She walked over to my powder table and took a seat on the white cushioned chair. "I just don't wanna wake Mom and Dad up."

The frown stayed on my face. "Wait, what time is it?"

"Almost eleven."

My eyes widened. "How late do you start work?" I exclaimed.

"Well, I gotta be there a little early but I start at 12 am. That's why I was sleeping all day."

"12 am till when?" I was in utter shock.

Adele shrugged. "I don't know. Today's my first day so I'll find out when I get there." She laughed at my surprised face. "I told you I was a night owl."

"You mean, early morning owl." I shook my head. "This is the convenience store job with Jas?" I felt the need to verify that fact. You could never know with Adele.

She nodded. "Yup."

I leaned forward. "Mom and Dad know?"

She shrugged. "I told 'em, but if they forget and freak out when they don't see me tomorrow morning, I won't be surprised."

I wondered if they were okay with this. Not that it'd make a difference. Adele was unstoppable with her decisions and ideas. "What will your schedule look like?"

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