Part 25

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Things were slow-paced and normal at school until I got a text before my last period class. From Derrick. U able 2 meet in computer room after school? It briefly caught me off guard as it felt like a while since I had heard from him. I had been so distracted by everything that was happening with Adele that I had forgotten about something just as important: my goal in getting justice for Kenny. I read over Derrick's short text again, knowing it was important as he never messaged me out of nowhere. I texted back, Ok, before sending Mom a lie about staying after school to work on an assignment. She responded back with an approval and a sweet, I love you. My next class dragged on slowly, making my upcoming rendez-vous with Derrick suspenseful. *

Once last period ended, I flew to my locker and waited for the majority of the school to clear out before heading to the computer room with my backpack slung over my shoulder. I slowly and discreetly opened the door to the computer room and let it close gently behind me. Derrick was in a grey shirt, leaning against a table. He straightened up, his eyes on me. I marched forward, stopping a few feet away from him and setting my bag down on the floor by me. "What's up?" I asked, the purpose in my voice clear.

Derrick stared at me a bit longer before he spoke, his voice calm and collected. "I think I might have something."

I could feel myself straighten up as I couldn't contain my interest. "What is it?" I tried to keep my voice from sounding too eager. I didn't know what he was going to say after all.

"I've been acting as Stephen's sideman lately and he's been opening my eyes to a lot of things I didn't even know about in our business." He paused as he gave me an intense stare. I made the effort not to squirm in nervousness. "The other day, he brought me to a cabin. It's right by the docks. It's like a mini office. The docks where he receives shipment for his business. The cabin isn't his entirely. A security dude is in charge of it, but Stephen has access to it since they're cool. The cabin has a lot of important business papers for Steph. But one thing I noticed, was this door in the small cabin. And for some reason, I wasn't allowed to go in..."

I stared at Derrick, waiting for more to the story. "So...?"

"The door had a sign that said, 'Fishing Items,' and some awful smell that was coming from it. I asked Stephen about it and he said it was just a bunch of fishing stuff that didn't belong to him. But the way he dismissed it wasn't natural at all."

I tried to make sense of what he was telling me. "So, you want to find out what's behind that door?"

Derrick gave a short nod. "Exactly."

I raised a curious eyebrow. "What exactly do you think might be behind that door? Other than possibly dead fish?"

I watched Derrick's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard. My eyes slowly began to widen in horror as I realized what he might've been trying to imply. "Maybe something that could lead to answers about Bobby. I don't- I don't know." He shrugged. "It certainly smelled like something more than just dead fish."

"Worse?" I barely whispered, my arms getting goosebumps.

Derrick had a pained expression on his face. "Could be."

"Like what?" Did I want to know?

I could see Derrick struggling to answer my question. Finally, he said, "That's what I wanted to find out. With your help."

I stepped forward curiously. "What can I do?" At that moment, I felt like I was prepared to do anything that Derrick needed from me. I wanted to put myself to use any way I could.

"I wanted you to come to the cabin with me tonight so we could check it out."

I swallowed nervously. "Tonight? What time?"

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