Lesson 26: You Should Be Careful About What Ice-Cream Shop You Go To

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Lesson 26: You Should Be Careful About What Ice-Cream Place You Go To

Soon the school day ended, and I was more than relived to go home. I couldn't stop thinking about the video and what Joe had said to me about it and Derek. Was he right? Was Derek just using me?

I was walking home, since getting a ride from Joe was out of the question, and Selena had to stay after school to do some homework in our school's library.


Anyway, I was a few houses away from my house when I saw a familiar motorbike with a familiar figure riding it. He slowed down next to me, and I stood still, watching it to make sure it was who I thought it was. Of course, I was right.

Derek. My 'boyfriend'.

"Hey Derek!" I greeted, walking towards him, but not too close so it wouldn't seem like I was desperate. He grinned at me, showing his perfect white pearls.

"What, no hello kiss?" He teased, and leaned in. I blushed a bit, and kissed him on his cheek. He looked at me, disappointed.

"Aww, that's it? I help you make that video and that's my thank you?" He joked, and I shrugged. He frowned.

"By the way," He whispered in a husky voice. "You look great today." I mumbled out a thank you. Derek frowned.

"Are you okay, Amber? You're acting a bit cold today. Want to go to an ice-cream place and talk about it?" Derek asked, and I grinned, nodding. I accepted the helmet he gave me, and with his help, climbed onto the motorbike, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Ready?" He called.

"Yup, let's ride!!" I replied, and we sped off.


"So, what happened today?" Derek asked.

Derek and I were currently seated on a booth in an ice-cream place. I was eating my Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice-cream, while Derek just had plain strawberry. I twirled my spoon in my ice-cream and pursed my lips, thinking of an answer.

"Well, all I can say is I deeply regret making that video," I started, and he raised an eyebrow.

"It turns out that Maria wasn't the one we needed to get revenge on, it was Alice. She actually really smart, smarter than me and Selena thought. So now, she's single-handily turned Maria against us, and I bet she has more up her sleeve." I explained, and Derek nodded.

"This Alice chick seems pretty interesting," I heard him mutter, and I felt a pang in my heart. Does that mean he's interested in Alice??

You can only find out one way- Make him jealous.

"So anyway, I walked out of the hall feeling really bad, then Joe came up to me, and started comforting me like the sweet guy he is . . ." I lied, putting a dreamy look on my face. I saw Derek's expression harden.

"What exactly did he do?" He muttered angrily, and I sighed happily.

"Well, I started crying and he hugged me to him and started stroking my hair, saying sweet things to me . . ." I trailed off, seeing Derek's furious expression.

"Is something wrong? You don't mind, do you, since we're not official or anything," I said, hinting at the boyfriend- girlfriend thing. I saw Derek's surprised expression.

"I mean, we've only kissed, and that doesn't make us in a relationship, right?" I asked, twirling my hair around my finger and looking innocently at him. He grabbed my hand, surprising me.

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